President of AMPP Mexico wants to see what is new in technology and techniques

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Inspenet, March 20, 2023

Inspenet, the professional connection and knowledge network, has been at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, USA, since the AMPP 2023 Annual Conference & Expo, which kicked off yesterday and runs through Thursday, March 23.

In this event, we exclusively interviewed the president of the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP) Chapter Mexico, Eng. Gustavo Romero, who offered his impressions from the opening ceremony.

“As every year a little more than five thousand people attend this event, I am very happy because I see a lot of people from Latin America. And I think that also somehow increases the benefit that not only remains in the United States, but also reaches other parts of the continent,” Romero explained.

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Regarding his expectations of the event as an active member of AMPP Mexico, he indicated that he is in search of the latest technology.

“I am very interested in topics such as: corrosion, renewable energies, hydrogen, there are some conferences that I have already identified, everything related to internal corrosion control, Catholic protection, coatings, I think that is what I have been looking for, what it is the new technology, techniques and everything we can bring to apply in our business”, added Romero.

Stay connected with Inspenet and don’t miss what happens at the conference, with interviews with the speakers and all the news from the exhibition.

Source and Photo : Inspenet

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