PEBA: the pressure washer turbine that improves water quality

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turbina hidrolimpiadora

Inspenet, November 30, 2023.

The PEBA company, led by Alain Saint-Dizier and Gilles Grandperret, has made notable progress in environmental preservation by implementing a prototype of a river hydrocleaning turbine in France. This achievement reflects a substantial commitment in the battle against dependence on fossil fuels by proposing renewable and sustainable alternatives.

PEBA’s river pressure washer system is not only a source of renewable energy , but also an innovative environmental improvement system. With the ability to introduce oxygen into water and filter plastic waste, this device fuses energy generation with a positive ecological impact. Its installation, which only requires three hours and the use of a crane, demonstrates its practicality and effectiveness.

More details of the pressure washer turbine

With dimensions of 12 meters long by 4 meters wide, the pressure washer has the capacity to generate between 75 and 250 kW per hour, depending on the speed of the current. This capacity is enough to meet the daily energy needs of 10 to 20 homes. Although it is still in the prototype phase, its development continues, taking inspiration from technologies such as wind and tidal turbines.

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In addition to its energy production, this river hydroelectric plant plays a crucial role in preserving aquatic ecosystems by improving water quality and protecting local biodiversity. The design of the pressure washer allows the release of oxygen into the water, which benefits the flora and fauna of the region.

It should be noted that the initiative has obtained significant support from the Vosj’innove association and the community. Investment in research and development, as well as financing from various entities, demonstrate confidence in the potential of this innovation to transform the generation of renewable energy and promote the preservation of the environment.

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