Participants look forward to seeing innovative technologies at AMPP Conference 2023

Inspenet, March 21, 2023 Participants in the AMPP 2023 Conference and Exhibition expect to see innovative technologies during this important event, which brings together engineers, technicians, managers and corrosion specialists.
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Inspenet, March 21, 2023

Participants in the AMPP 2023 Conference and Exhibition expect to see innovative technologies during this important event, which brings together engineers, technicians, managers and corrosion specialists.

From the Convention Center in Denver, USA, professionals from the companies QSA Global and Element Materials Technology, commented on their impressions.

Topher Smith, from QSA Global, commented that he expects to see new technology in the area of corrosion, what will come in the future, and above all, where the industry is going in this area.

For his part, Neal Fergusson, from the Element Material Company, indicated that: “there are many changes in the industry, especially with polymeric materials and coatings, with many discoveries throughout Europe, with fluorinated materials and I would like to know how you will respond the market to these new developments of fluorinated products”.

Also, Buddy Lemann, also from QSA Global, commented that this is one of the biggest conferences they attend each year, so they hope to introduce new technology and get some feedback from the attendees on that. Also, it aspires to know the new technological developments of other exhibiting companies.

Finally, Brian Halata, from QSA Global, expressed his satisfaction at returning to the conference again: “it’s good to be back, to see us face to face, we are launching new products and new technologies, inspection equipment for Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI). We hope the 6,000 conference attendees will hear about it.”

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Source and Photo : Inspenet

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