MIT presented a fully functional hydrogen motorcycle

Isbel Lázaro.
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motocicleta de hidrógeno

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has reached a significant milestone by introducing a fully operational hydrogen motorcycle . This advance could transform means of transportation and contribute significantly to the reduction of CO 2 emissions on the planet.

MIT’s hydrogen motorcycle

The MIT Electric Vehicles team has presented an innovative project: a hydrogen-powered motorcycle . This achievement marks a significant milestone, as it opens new possibilities for future innovations and is also an open source project, with the plans available online so that anyone interested can access them and carry out construction.


Aditya Mehrotra, a graduate student and project leader along with Professor Alex Slocum, has been the brain behind this surprising proposal. Although the team recognizes the advances in electric vehicles , they argue that they are still polluting due to the lithium present in their batteries.

This project is of great interest and is expected to be presented at various global and regional summits to promote research into hydrogen as a fuel. Using the chassis of a 1998 motorcycle, the company has 3D printed several parts to adapt it to current standards. This technological approach has been sustainable in its development, aligning with the ideological intentions of the team.

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The future of hydrogen as a fuel

Hydrogen as a fuel has emerged as a promising alternative in the transition towards more sustainable mobility, dispensing with combustion and electric vehicles in favor of this alternative. Its potential lies in its ability to generate energy without direct emissions, since its combustion produces only water vapor.

Although there are logistical and production challenges, advances in hydrogen generation and storage technology are paving the way for its broader integration into the transportation and industrial sector, thus contributing to emissions reductions.

And although some brands doubt the viability of hydrogen, there are increasing signs that car and motorcycle manufacturers will explore hydrogen prototypes in the near future. Time will tell if this direction is the right one or if it is challenging to overcome the prevalence of combustion vehicles.

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