Goodbye lithium? Microsoft discovers powerful material using AI

Isbel Lázaro.
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Microsoft descubre material

Microsoft recently discovered material using artificial intelligence (AI) that could decrease lithium consumption in batteries, according to Microsoft and the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). This “unknown material not present in nature” has the potential to reduce the use of lithium in batteries by up to 70% , with significant benefits in terms of the environment, safety and economy.

In tests conducted earlier this year, the material demonstrated its functionality in a prototype battery capable of powering a light bulb. Using artificial intelligence and supercomputers , Microsoft researchers managed to narrow down 32 million potential materials to 18 promising candidates in just 80 hours, significantly shortening a process that would normally take decades, according to a company spokesperson.

News in lithium batteries

Microsoft announced that this finding represents “the first practical example of many that will be achieved in a new era of scientific discoveries driven by artificial intelligence.” This discovery has the potential to address issues associated with lithium, including environmental concerns linked to its extraction and market shortages.

Since lithium is an essential component in devices such as smartphones and electric vehicle batteries, the impact of this finding could be significant. Several new technology companies have dedicated themselves to finding more sustainable methods for the extraction of lithium necessary in the manufacture of electric vehicles.

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Lithium and other strategic elements used in these batteries are finite resources with limited and geographically concentrated supplies ,” said Vijay Murugesan, group leader at PNNL.

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