Maersk drives development of methanol sourcing standards in Japan

These extensive advances by Maersk enable the transition to lower-emission fuels in the global Japanese shipping industry.
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La simulación de abastecimiento de metanol por la naviera Maersk

Multinational shipping company Maersk continues its progress in the decarbonization of shipping by establishing itself as co-host of the first methanol bunkering simulation in Japan, held at the port of Yokohama.

The Maersk methanol supply simulation

This test was organized in conjunction with Kokuka Sangyo and the support of the Japanese government. An important event for the development of infrastructure, planning and the use of methanol as a sustainable fuel for the country.

The tanker Alette Maersk, part of Maersk‘s new fleet of dual-fuel tankersMaersk’s new fleet of dual-fuel Maersk’s new dual-fuel fleet, participated in the simulation alongside the supply vessel Eikamaru. During the trial, critical operations such as docking and undocking were carried out, as well as the connection of hoses for methanol supply hoses. This exercise gathered valuable knowledge for the future implementation of bunkering procedures in Japan.

The initiative is in line with the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Maersk, the City of Yokohamaand Mitsubishi Gas Chemical to develop methanol infrastructure in Japan. This effort is supported by the Ports and Terminals Bureau of Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, which reinforces the importance of establishing methanol bunkering hubs at Japanese ports.

Maersk’s Northeast Asia Managing Director Toru Nishiyama noted that“the company is committed to supporting Japan’s decarbonization goals” by collaborating with industry partners to accelerate the adoption of sustainable practices in shipping.

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Source and photo: Maersk

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