Will they dominate us? Meta predicts that machines will be more intelligent than humans

Isbel Lázaro.
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Máquinas más inteligentes que los humanos

Will machines be smarter than humans?

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, envisions a future in which artificial intelligence (AI) systems will surpass humans in intelligence in all fields. However, it rules out the possibility that they will dominate humanity, since these systems are expected to be highly intelligent but also obedient.

During a talk at the Davos Economic Forum, Yann LeCun, vice president and head of AI at Meta, expressed his belief that in the coming decades AI models will be developed that will surpass human intelligence .

LeCun noted that humans possess a highly specialized type of intelligence, being competent in certain areas and deficient in others. He stressed that machines, in the future, will be more intelligent than humans .

Currently, AI systems start with a level of intelligence comparable to that of a cat or dog and seek to improve to reach the human level. He acknowledged that this process is more challenging than thought and will require the development of new applications and models.

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Despite the distance that still exists to achieve human intelligence, LeCun emphasized the intention to build artificial intelligence systems that collaborate with humans in their tasks, instead of replacing them.

There is an idea that in the not-too-distant future we will all do all our interactions in a digital world that is moderated by an AI assistant. Maybe it’s not the smartphone, smart glasses or augmented reality, maybe we don’t go to a search engine, but rather by asking an AI assistant by voice, writing or gestures.”, he detailed.

AI in companies

In this context, it was anticipated that Meta is developing prototypes such as bracelets capable of detecting muscle movement, allowing writing even with hands in pockets. Meta intends to expand the use of artificial intelligence in the business environment, highlighting applications such as customer chats that replace and streamline communication with them.

Nicola Mendelsohn, Director of Global Business Group at Meta, emphasized the goal of providing accessible tools to unlock opportunities that increase productivity. In this sense, he revealed that if the top 500 companies in the US. If they achieved a 10% increase in their productivity, this would have an economic impact of approximately $2.25 trillion on the US economy.

Campaigns in applications such as WhatsApp allow access to various information and possibilities, such as scheduling an appointment or managing a contract with future clients, which represents the democratization of the use of artificial intelligence. On average, artificial intelligence increases the profitability of spending by 32%, a significant figure that reflects strong acceptance of these products, according to Mendelsohn.

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Source: heraldo.es

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