Looking for a job in the mining sector? Minsur has 5 new vacancies

Inspenet, April 21, 2023 Minsur and associated companies are hiring for different positions, including: Personnel Administration Analyst, Junior Reliability Engineer, B2 Maintenance Planning Engineer, Port Discharge Supervisor, and Level A Operators.
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Inspenet, April 21, 2023

Minsur and associated companies are hiring for different positions, among them, 5 positions stand out: Personnel administration analyst, Junior reliability engineer, B2 maintenance planning engineer, Port discharge supervisor and Level A Operators.

Minsur is the third largest tin producer in the world and the largest supplier of this mineral in the Western Hemisphere. They work under a world-class vision, being national and international benchmarks in the application of the most important guidelines in terms of safety, operational efficiency, socio-environmental responsibility and talent development.

For its part, Marcobre is the owner company of the Mina Justa Project, located in the Ica Region, Peru. The company that owns Marcobre SAC is Cumbres Andinas SAC, whose shareholders are Minsur SA with 60% of the shareholding and Alxar Internacional SpA with the remaining 40%.

They are part of Breca, one of the most solid and important business groups in Peru, and they are the first Peruvian mining company to join the ICMM (International Council on Mining and Metals).

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Minsur has new job offers in the mining sector

Personnel Administration Analyst

Currently, they are looking for the best talent to fill the position of a Personnel Administration Analyst , who is a professional in Business Administration, Accounting, Industrial Engineering, Economics (Desirable Degree); with knowledge in Current Labor and Tax Legislation, PLAME; ERP SAP knowledge of the FI module (Indispensable); among other requirements.

The selected professional will carry out the analysis, monitoring and control of the HR accounting accounts for Minsur, Marcobre, Raura and Cumbres del Sur; as well as the payment and payroll provisions, ensuring their correct accounting reconciliation in accordance with the standards stipulated in NIF, as well as the Company’s policies and procedures.

junior reliability engineer

Likewise, Minsur is looking for a junior reliability engineer, which provides support in monitoring the area’s KPIs, monitors the area’s support projects and services, promotes the automation and improvement of the different platforms used by the area, and ensures the generation of a detention database of reliable equipment.

The required profile is the following:

Basic training: Mechatronic, Industrial, Electrical, Electronic or Mechanical Engineering (Bachiller).

Languages: Basic English.

Computer knowledge: Office (Word, Excel, etc.) – advanced.

Power BI, SAP Maintenance Module, PI System – intermediate.

Vibrational Analysis, Oil Analysis, Thermography, Non-Destructive Testing, Static and Dynamic Testing, ACR-AFA Meeting Facilitator, RCM, Jack Knife and Pareto Development, Maintenance KPIs.

Desirable experience of 2 to 3 years in the mining sector.

B2 Maintenance Planning Engineer

A third job offer is that of a B2 Maintenance Planning Engineer, that is minimum Bachelor in Electrical Engineering, Electrical Mechanics, Electronics, Mechatronics or related careers; with knowledge of CMMS / ERP / SAP PM maintenance module (Advanced essential); Office automation (intermediate); Safety and environment management.

For this position, you must have technical knowledge of Concentrator Plant equipment, Maintenance Planning Management and Cost Administration; and a minimum of three years’ experience in similar positions (junior or full) in concentrator plants looking at Electrical and Instrumentation disciplines.

port discharge supervisor

Minsur also wishes to incorporate a Port Discharge Supervisor , who is a Merchant Marine Officer (Captain or First Officer), Chemical Engineering, Industrial Engineering or similar.

A-level operators

In addition, the company offers vacancies for Level A Operators , with high school completion, A1 driver’s license, with one year of experience in concentrate stowage and Operations, one year of proven experience in Forklift Driving, and one year of experience in the sector. mining, steel-smelting, industrial, fishing.

All these job offers and more, you can find them at: https://oportunidades-laborales.com/minsur

Source : https://www.rumbominero.com/peru/minsur-nuevas-ofertas-laborales/

Photos : Shutter Stock

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