Logon Technology’s RT-G robot patrols the streets in China

The RT-G robot is equipped with state-of-the-art AI that allows it to identify and react autonomously to incidents.
El robot RT-G policiaco de Logon Technology

On the streets of some Chinese cities, an autonomous robot is patrolling the streets of the most vulnerable areas, helping security forces to identify and even arrest potential criminals. The RT-G robot, developed by the robotics company Logon Technology , is the latest addition to surveillance technology.

The RT-G police robot

This spherical robot has the ability to move with great agility both on land and in water, with a speed of up to 35 km/h and the strength to support up to four tons of weight, the RT-G demonstrates that advanced robotics can be an ally for public safety.

In addition to its physical abilities, the RT-G is equipped with cutting-edge artificial intelligence that allows it to identify and act autonomously in the event of incidents. Through its advanced sensors and facial recognition systems, it can identify criminals and respond quickly and accurately, even immobilizing suspects with a net. In a scenario where security becomes a constant priority, robots such as the RT-G represent a possible solution to improve the effectiveness of security patrols.

Although many initially considered this robot to be just a marketing strategy, recent tests and its presence on the streets confirm that Logon Technology has managed to turn this innovation into a real and effective tool for Chinese security forces.

The integration of robotics into surveillance and patrol systems is becoming an unstoppable advance. The versatility of the RT-G and its ability to operate in difficult environments make this robot an indispensable element in the security forces of the future.

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Source and photo: @HowThingsWork_ / Via X