Industrial production and trade in Colombia grew slightly in February 2023

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Inspenet, April 21, 2023

The National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane) of Colombia, reported that, in February 2023 compared to February 2022, the real production of the manufacturing industry presented a variation of 0.4%, real sales of -1.1% and employed personnel of 1.3%.

1691 Grafico 1 Encuesta mensual manufacturera produccion
Source: Dane

Of the 39 industrial activities represented by the survey, a total of 15 registered 0 positive variations in their real production, adding 3.6 percentage points to the total annual variation, and 24 subsectors with negative variations subtracted a total of 3.3 percentage points from the variation. total.

Behavior of sectors in production

The sectors that boosted the figure in the case of production were: the manufacture of bodies for motor vehicles (45.8%), followed by coking, oil refining and fuel blending (24.3%) and in third place the manufacture of soaps and detergents, perfumes and toilet preparations (21%) was located.

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On the contrary, those that presented negative variation were: the manufacture of travel articles, handbags and similar articles in leather (40.8%), in second place, were the basic industries of precious and non-ferrous metals (26, 9%) and the manufacture of other types of transport equipment (18.4%).

According to Dane, so far this year until February 2023, the real production of the manufacturing industry presented a variation of 0.4%, real sales of -0.3% and employed personnel of 1.4%.

And during the last twelve months until February 2023, the real production of the manufacturing industry presented a variation of 8.7%, real sales of 8.0% and employed personnel of 3.7%.

Trade in Colombia barely grew 0.1% in February: Dane

Dane’s monthly survey revealed the result of retail trade which, in the case of real sales, presented growth of 0.1% and employed personnel grew 4.3% in relation to the same month in 2022.

1691 Grafico 2 Encuesta mensual manufacturera produccion
Source: Dane

On the other hand, in the case of fuel trade, the variation in real sales in the sector was 1.4%, a figure that Dane provides separately.

If the results of February 2023 are compared with those of February 2019, an increase of 20.9% in retail sales is evident, and in relation to employed personnel, a growth of 2.4%.

Source :

Photo: ShutterStock

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