New Chinese humanoid speaks and reasons in real time

In addition to being seen as the competence of Figure 01, it demonstrates competence comparable to that of a human.
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Nuevo humanoide chino habla y razona en tiempo real

The new Chinese humanoid Walker S from UBTech, in collaboration with Baidu, has been endowed with natural speech and real-time reasoning abilities. The company, founded in 2012, has evolved significantly in terms of humanoid manufacturing, reaching milestones such as reaching a Guinness World Record in 2017 with a Dobi variant.

Last year, UBTech made its mark in the educational arena with a crowdfunding campaign for a robotics kit, allowing science enthusiasts to build seven different robots. Today, the focus is on the Walker S (an evolution of the Walker service robot) initially unveiled at CES 2018 and which recently marked the company’s stock market debut in Hong Kong with an impressive performance.

The natural speech ability of the Chinese humanoid

The Walker S, which is presented as a competition of Figure 01 and other well-known humanoids, impresses with its ability to interact through natural conversations, thanks to the integration of Baidu’s ERNIE Bot, an artificial intelligence platform. artificial intelligence platform launched last year. This development allows the Walker S to respond to verbal commands with a speed comparable (or perhaps superior) to the best examples seen in previous demonstrations.

Walker S’s skills extend beyond simple conversation. While his ability to fold clothes may not be perfect, he demonstrates competence comparable to humans, even offering fashion tips. In addition, in pick and place demonstrations, the robot exhibits remarkable adaptability and precision, key elements for integration into industrial production lines.

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Walker S can converse naturally thanks to the integration of Baidu’s ERNIE Bot. Source: UBTECH Robotics

Last year, UBTech launched Walker S specifically for the industrial sector, forming strategic partnerships with automakers such as NIO to incorporate humanoids into manufacturing environments. Although specific details of the Walker S are scarce due to its absence from the company’s website, it stands out for its design and ability to interact with the environment, thanks to depth sensors, vision cameras and functionally human-like hands.

Powerful partnership between UBTech and Baidu

The collaboration between UBTech y Baidu marks just the beginning of a promising era in artificial intelligence applied to humanoids. With the industry moving forward at a breakneck pace, it remains to be seen how ERNIE Bot will compare to GPT in humanoids and the future developments that will emerge, especially with NVIDIA’s entry into this space.

As humanoid technology advances, it opens the door to applications beyond industry, including personalized assistance in homes and public spaces, which could significantly transform our day-to-day lives, facilitating tasks and offering companionship and assistance where needed.

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