Grupo Testek presented the latest Non-Destructive Testing technologies at Expo Mantener 2023

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Inspenet, May 12, 2023

The XXV International Congress of Maintenance and Asset Management – Expo Mantener 2023, is one of the most important events on industrial maintenance issues that takes place every year in Colombia. This year, it was held from April 26 to 28 and the Testek Group was present.

The event brought together experts, professionals, and amateurs from different industries to discuss and learn about important issues about industrial maintenance, asset management, and mechanical integrity.

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One of the most important areas of discussion at this event has been the importance of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) for the Latin American industry.

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During the event, the engineers and NDT experts Kathy Lopez and Dámaris Martínez received approximately 300 participants at the Grupo Testek stand to learn about Non-Destructive Testing equipment and methods. They presented the latest technologies and trends in this field, including solutions for industrial ultrasonic inspection, remote visual inspection, industrial radiography, eddy currents (induced currents), concrete analysis, among others.

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In addition to the equipment demonstrations, the value and importance of Academia Grupo Testek was presented, as well as its role in the training and certification of technical personnel in Non-Destructive Testing, to guarantee the quality and reliability of the inspections.

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Non-Destructive Testing: The key to maximizing the useful life of equipment and structures

Non-Destructive Testing are techniques used to assess the integrity of materials and components without damaging them. These tests are essential to guarantee the safety and reliability of equipment and structures in various industries, such as: the oil, energy, construction, aeronautical, and metalworking industries, among others.

In the Latin American industry, NDTs have acquired great importance due to the high costs of industrial maintenance and the need to maximize the useful life of equipment and structures. Non-Destructive Testing techniques can help identify component failures before they become serious problems, saving costs and avoiding accidents.

Non-Destructive Testing can improve the efficiency of production processes by allowing better planning of industrial maintenance and equipment repair, which can reduce downtime and increase asset availability.

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Grupo Testek brings its customers the most innovative solutions in industrial maintenance during Expo Mantener 2023

Participating in the Expo Maintain allows Grupo Testek to get closer to customers and understand their requirements, have more communication to consolidate relationships and better business opportunities. In the case of the participants, they have a window to find new suppliers, new technologies and industrial maintenance solutions.

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