Fulfill your dream of studying abroad! BECAL offers 134 postgraduate scholarships

Inspenet, May 3, 2023 The National Program of Postgraduate Scholarships Abroad "Don Carlos Antonio López" (BECAL), belonging to the Ministry of Finance of Paraguay, makes a call to remember that the deadline to apply for the 134 places available in the Self-managed Modality expires next May 9.
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Inspenet, May 3, 2023

The National Program of Postgraduate Scholarships Abroad “Don Carlos Antonio López” (BECAL), belonging to the Ministry of Finance of Paraguay, makes a call to remember that the deadline to apply for the 134 places available in the Self-managed Modality expires next May 9.

In the current semester, 81 scholarships are available to study Masters, Doctorates and Postdocs abroad, as well as International Degree Mobility for university students. The Bases and Conditions Guide (GBC) is available at the following link: https://bit.ly/3EHt0GP .

Also, 53 places are offered for language training (English, Portuguese, French or German) within the country, and the corresponding information can be found at https://bit.ly/3kC4uQN .

The Masters and Doctorates in Science, Technology and Innovation (CTI) are aimed at all people who carry out studies in the areas of science, technology and innovation, with the purpose of dedicating themselves to research, teaching and/or technology transfer.

The call is open to all areas of knowledge, according to the Frascati Manual, which includes Natural Sciences; Engineering and Technology; Medicine and health; Agricultural science; Social Sciences (except education for Doctorates); and Humanities (only for the sub-areas: Design and Architecture for Masters).

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BECAL: the program that promotes scientific and technological development in Paraguay through scholarships and training

The scholarships have a source of financing from the Fund for Excellence in Education and Research (FEEI). The general objective of BECAL is to contribute to increasing the levels of generation and application of knowledge in the areas of Science and Technology, as well as to improve the levels of learning in education, through the improvement of the supply of Advanced Human Capital in these areas. .

It should be noted that, at the end of March of this year, BECAL awarded 2,826 scholarships to young people and professionals from the 17 departments, through 106 calls, of which 1,488 professionals who have completed any of the modalities are already back in the country. .

Source : https://www.hoy.com.py/nacionales/becal-recuerda-plazo-para-postularse-a-becas-de-posgrados-e-idiomas

Photos : Shutter Stock

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