The FPSO Sepetiba was formally contracted after first production

Isbel Lázaro.
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SBM Offshore reported last Saturday about the formal contracting of the Sepetiba FPSO as of January 2 of this year after achieving initial oil production and passing a 72-hour continuous production test that led to Final Acceptance.

The unit is owned and operated by special purpose companies, with 64.5% owned by companies affiliated with SBM Offshore and the remaining 35.5% by its partners.

The FPSO will operate under charter and operating services contracts for 22.5 years with Petróleo Brasileiro (Petrobras). It is important to mention that the Sepetiba FPSO is located in the Mero unified field, in the Santos Basin, about 180 km off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

It should be noted that Petrobras is the main operator of the field (38.6%), in collaboration with Shell Brasil (19.3%), TotalEnergies (19.3%), CNPC (9.65%), Cnooc (9.65 %) and Pré-Sal Petróleo (PPSA) (3.5%), representing the Government in the non-contracted area.

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About FPSOs

A floating production, storage and offloading unit (FPSO) is a floating vessel used by the deepwater oil and gas industry to carry out hydrocarbon production and processing, as well as to store oil.

The main function of an FPSO vessel is to receive hydrocarbons from its own production operations, from nearby platforms or from underwater facilities, process them and store the oil until its subsequent transfer to a tanker or, in less frequent cases, its transport by pipeline. .

FPSOs are especially appreciated in frontier coastal areas due to their ease of installation and do not require local pipeline infrastructure to export oil. These vessels may arise as conversions of existing tankers, such as the Seawise Giant, or be built specifically to fulfill this role.

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