Egypt and Russia begin the fourth phase of the Dabaa nuclear plant reactor

Isbel Lázaro.
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planta nuclear Dabaa

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah al Sisi participated via videoconference in the start of construction of the fourth phase of the Dabaa nuclear plant reactor , a project that Russia is developing in northern Egypt.

This initiative aims to increase the electric power generation capacity in the North African country . During the ceremony, Putin highlighted that this project is one of the most significant in the collaboration between Russia and Egypt, considering the latter as a “strategic partner.” Likewise, he affirmed Moscow’s commitment to continuing to support Egypt’s economy and development.

About the Dabaa nuclear plant

According to Egyptian authorities and media, the ceremony commemorated the start of construction of the fourth power unit at the Dabaa nuclear power plant , marked by the pouring of the first concrete. This project, led by the Russian atomic corporation, Rosatom, represents Egypt’s first nuclear power plant and is expected to be completed in 2028.

With a production capacity of 4,200 MW, the plant, which has more than 16,000 employees, mostly Egyptians, is distinguished by not generating emissions, according to the Russian president. Putin expressed confidence that the plant will contribute to Egypt’s economic development and highlighted collaboration on various projects in the agriculture and energy sectors, as well as the planning of an industrial zone near the Suez Canal.

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Likewise, Putin highlighted the training offered to 90 Egyptian specialists by Russia and the comprehensive support provided during the project, which includes nuclear fuel supply and nuclear waste management. He also noted Russia’s commitment to facilitating Egypt’s effective participation in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) bloc, which it recently joined.

The agreement for the construction of the Dabaa nuclear power plant was signed in 2017 between Russia and Egypt during a visit by Putin to Cairo, with Russia being the main financier of the initiative, although the total amount of the investment has not been revealed.

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