Four engineering that will move the world according to NASA

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Inspenet, March 6, 2023

NASA has selected four branches of engineering to find out which is appropriate and in which contexts they can be applied. Engineers are problem solvers, combining the principles of science and mathematics with a sense of creativity and innovation.

Engineers can be dedicated to everything from building rockets to analyzing nanoparticles, “the capabilities of engineers seem endless. The same goes for engineering opportunities at NASA,” explains the space agency.

Chemical engineering

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Chemical engineers draw on the fundamentals of mathematics, chemistry, biology, and physics to conduct research, create systems, and harness energy through chemical processes. In the space exploration industry they can take on many different roles, including research and design of batteries for human spaceflight and creating the chemical impulse to launch a rocket into space.

Electric engineering

They specialize in technology; specifically, the design and testing of electronic resources such as computers, engines, and navigation systems. Projects that electrical engineers contribute to range from creating microchips to designing colossal generators to power cities. Subdisciplines of electrical engineering include computer engineering, robotics engineering, and software engineering.

mechanical Engineering

According to the space agency, it is one of the broadest engineering disciplines. It involves the design, construction, operation, and testing of mechanical systems and machines. Aeronautical, aerospace, and hardware engineering are some of the many subdisciplines of mechanical engineering that are developed at NASA.

Civil Engineering

This branch focuses on the design, construction, and maintenance of human-made structures. NASA civil engineers can work as structural engineers for the International Space Station and help protect and improve the solar arrays that power the station. They may also work with the massive tracked transporters that carry rockets to the launch pad before liftoff, or on-site construction and energy conservation management at NASA centers.

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Photo: ShutterStock

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