Inspenet, April 7, 2023
In an analysis carried out by experts on energy issues at the Panama Electricity Market Forum, in the panel on investments to guarantee the supply of electricity, the panelists highlighted the strategies they develop in the efficiency of electrical energy.
The interventions began with José Luis Lloret, Country Manager naturgy, who referred to sustainable electricity distribution, challenges, trends and challenges, mentioned some points of the 2030 Electricity Networks strategic vision, such as the projection of self-consumption in clients in the order of 10% (6,000 supply points with a power installed capacity of about 100 megawatts).

He also spoke about the penetration of distributed generation with solar plants until reaching an installed power of 1,000 megawatts, and the electric mobility that is projected from the National Secretariat of Energy, with a significant increase in the use of electric vehicles in Panama.
For his part, Carlos Mosquera, General Manager of the Electric Transmission Company, SA (ETESA). Regarding investments for the sustainability and efficiency of transmission, he referred to the projects that are currently underway, which will start operations in 2024, as well as those that are projected to start operating between 2024. and 2025, investments totaling more than USD 774 million without including the Fourth Electric Transmission Line.
On the other hand, Javier Gutiérrez, vice president of the Panamanian National Association of Electric Generators (ANPAG), indicated that, to guarantee long-term supply in a sustainable manner, there is a long way to go in the energy transition, a path where much remains to be done. to transit despite having great achievements, but also challenges in areas such as environmental sustainability, long-term cost reduction, energy independence and boosting the economy.
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Photo: ShutterStock
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