Expert Carlos Palacios about his book: “It is the journey of a corrosion engineer”

By: Dr. Franyi Sarmiento, Inspenet, March 14, 2022. Inspenet, the knowledge and professional connection network, was at the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP) Annual Conference and Expo 2022, where Dr. Carlos Alberto Palacios, was kind enough to grant us an exclusive interview.
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By: Dr. Franyi Sarmiento, Inspenet, March 14, 2022

Inspenet, the knowledge and professional connection network, was at the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP) Annual Conference and Expo 2022, where Dr. Carlos Alberto Palacios, was kind enough to grant us an exclusive interview.

Palacios, has a B.Sc, an M.Sc and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Tulsa where he also did Post-Doctoral work in the area of Erosion/Corrosion. He is a specialist in corrosion and mechanical integrity, NACE Felow 2019 and NACE International certified as a Chemical Treatment Specialist and Internal Corrosion Specialist. Currently, he is Vice President of NACE Wet Gas and Chairman of NACE Multi-Phase ICDA Standard Practices.

In 2016, he published his book Corrosion and Asset Integrity Management for Upstream Installations in the Oil/Gas Industry: The Journey of a Corrosion/Integrity Engineer – Real Life Experiences. A Corrosion & Integrity Engineer’s Journey: A Real Experience – Spanish Edition).

“I wrote it (…) with a fairly simple technical language, so that anyone can understand it and it is the journey of a corrosion engineer, my journey through 35 years of experience, in the area of corrosion in the oil industry. Since it is a trip, instead of dividing the book into chapters, I divided it into stops”, explains Palacios.

“It is written in a narrative way, I take the engineer from the reservoir, through all the systems, the pipes, the wells, the head, flow lines, the fluid separation stations, the crude oil collection lines, I get to the refinery, is that journey of my experiences and anecdotes that I have through these years”, added the author.

Palacios also indicated that his motivation is to leave a legacy of knowledge in this didactic book, now he is working on updates for both versions and they can be purchased through

We invite you to watch the full interview on our Inspenet YouTube channel: and on Inspenet TV: