Dominican Republic could install floating solar panels in dam reservoirs

Isbel Lázaro.
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República Dominicana

Inspenet, September 3, 2023.

The Dominican Republic is currently examining the costs and benefits associated with implementing a floating solar panel system on the surfaces of its reservoirs. This measure aims to continue increasing the capacity to generate electricity from natural resources.

These details were shared by Max Puig, the executive vice president of the National Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism, at the conclusion of his participation in the Fifth Meeting of the Regional Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Solar Alliance (ISA), a organization based in New Delhi, India.

The Dominican Republic would take advantage of the water from the reservoirs

Puig explained that the International Solar Alliance has the capacity to direct the technical assistance and financial resources required to implement and start up a photovoltaic energy production system. This would be achieved by using the water surface in certain national reservoirs.

“In addition to the possibility of installing floating solar panels on the dams, we are talking with the ISA; the National Energy Commission; the Ministry of Energy and Mines; the Commission for the Promotion of Irrigation Technification; and the representation in the Dominican Republic of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to implement a water supply program for agricultural irrigation from pumps operated with solar energy”, he said.

Max Puig highlighted that during the current administration there have been significant advances that will lead in the near future to the ratification, by the National Congress, of the accession agreement of the Dominican Republic to the International Solar Alliance. This would increase the prospects for the country to participate in programs and projects aimed at boosting the generation of electricity from solar panels.

The fifth meeting of the ISA Regional Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean was chaired by the representation of Venezuela and had the objective of reviewing various programs and activities of the Alliance. These include training programs, support to establish regulatory frameworks that facilitate the transition towards renewable energies, financing mechanisms for business projects and the participation of the private sector in these processes.

Together with Max Puig, the delegation from the Dominican Republic was made up of Hugo Morales, who holds the position of Manager of Renewable Energies in the Ministry of Energy and Mines; Alan Ramírez Risk, technical director of the National Council for Climate Change; as well as David Puig, the Ambassador of the Dominican Republic in India, and Gustavo Sosa, who serves as Minister Counselor in the same diplomatic representation.


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