Do you want to know the influence of Naturgas in the Colombian energy transition? Don’t miss the Tech Talking program

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Inspenet, April 11, 2023

Inspenet TV invites you to enjoy the special program Tech Talking, tomorrow, Wednesday, April 12, which will have Lic. Luz Stella Murgas as a guest, who will be talking with Ing. Francesco Solari, CEO of Inspenet, about the present and future of the Influence of Naturgas in the Energy Transition of Colombia.

Luz Stella Murgas, is a lawyer specializing in Tax Law. She has been linked to the energy mining sector for more than 16 years. He served as Vice President of Promotion and Allocation of Areas of the National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH) and was Exploration Manager of the same entity. She worked at Ecopetrol for eight years as a tax advisor for the entire business value chain.

In addition, she held the position of Executive Director of her legal consulting firm with an emphasis on environmental, social and business aspects for the development of projects in the mining-energy sector. She is an expert in the development of relations strategy with public and private entities, for the oil, gas and energy sectors. Currently, she exercises functions as President of the Colombian Association of Natural Gas – Naturgas.

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In this episode of Tech Talking, Murgas will explain how natural gas is the most important fuel to materialize the energy transition, the fight against climate change, industrialize the agricultural sector and achieve a diversified economic reactivation in Colombia.

For Murgas, Natural Gas is the main fuel for processes to be cleaner, more sustainable, lower cost and with a positive impact on the quality of life of citizens, adding that the path to energy transition does not depend only on government entities, companies or individuals, this path is supported by everyone’s contribution, where projects are determined and developed by consensus to achieve the objective.

Murgas highlights that the Natural Gas consumed, both in the public and private sectors and communities at the national level, is produced in Colombia. It stands out that studies carried out show that all the infrastructure that is currently used in natural gas may in the future be used for hydrogen.

Hydrogen will have its greatest contribution in sustainable mobility, as one of the main energy sources to minimize vehicle emissions, improving air quality and public health. She mentions the role and value of leadership that women maintain today in the new energy sector, closing gaps and contributing innovative ideas and a different way of understanding environments to promote the path towards a cleaner world.

We invite you to learn more about the influence of Naturgas in the Colombian energy transition, tomorrow, Wednesday, April 12 at 5:00 p.m. Mexico, 6:00 p.m. Houston / Colombia.

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