KHNP succeeds in developing nuclear simulator to advance i-SMR design in Korea

KHNP is leveraging its experience in the development of large-scale nuclear plant simulators.
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Los avances de KHNP y el desarrollo de simulador nuclear

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power(KHNP) has announced the creation of an initial version and development of a nuclear simulator, at its Central Research Institute, tovalidate the operability of the small modular reactor(i-SMR). This simulator will perform an assessment of the suitability of the i-SMR design and operation, the results of which will influence the standard reactor design scheduled for late 2025 and reactor approval in 2028.

KHNP progress and development of nuclear simulator

The i-SMR, an integrated pressurized water nuclear reactor with an electrical capacity of 170 MWe, follows a development schedule that aims to complete its standard design by December 2025. The current simulator,“a preliminary version“, reflects both the concepts and the basic designs completed late last year. Development efforts are progressing rapidly, and the simulator is expected to be fully completed in the first half of 2027.

Once completed, KHNP will use this simulator to continuously verify the operational suitability of the standard i-SMR design, integrating the results of these tests into the data for design approval. According to Shin Ho-chul, director of KHNP’s Central Research Institute, the organization is leveraging its experience in developing large-scale nuclear plant simulators, along with the skills of its researchers, to create a high-fidelity simulator that will make it easier to obtain approval for the i-SMR standard design.

The company has also signed memorandums of understanding (MoU) with various international organizations to cooperate in the development and implementation of i-SMR. With Nusantara Power, a power generation subsidiary of Indonesian Electric Power Corporation, KHNP will collaborate on economic and technological research for the deployment of i-SMR in Indonesia, in addition to fostering the development of local nuclear technology local.

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KHNP’s performance demonstration in Korea. Source: KHNP

KHNP has signed an MoU with the Jordan Atomic Energy Commission for the deployment of the i-SMR in Jordan. This agreement provides for cooperation in the comprehensive exchange of technology and information on i-SMR, as well as joint feasibility studies. Jordan is evaluating the possibility of introducing SMRs after 2030 to meet the projected increase in electricity demand.

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Source and photo: KHNP

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