Company wins contract on deepwater wells in Nigeria

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pozos de aguas profundas en Nigeria

U.S. oil and gas services company, Helix Energy Solutionshas been awarded a deepwater well intervention contract by Esso Exploration and Production Nigeria (Esso) in the Erha and Usan fields, located offshore Nigeria. The project is scheduled to commence in September this year, with the vessel scheduled to remain in Nigeria until 2025.

The Erha and Usan fields, developed by Esso, a subsidiary of ExxonMobil Nigeria, are located about 97 km offshore Nigeria, in water depths ranging from 700 to 1,500 meters. Under this contract, Helix will provide the Q4000, a semi-submersible well intervention vessel based on DP3, a 10k Intervention Riser System (IRS), remotely operated vehiclesThe company’s project management and engineering services provide fully integrated well intervention services, from production enhancement to well abandonment.

Scotty Sparks, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Helix, expressed his satisfaction with the announcement of the Q4000 contract, highlighting the company’s interest in strengthening its relationship with Esso and consolidating its position as a leader in well intervention services in West Africa.

The Q4000 for deepwater well intervention

The Q4000 acts as a offshore platform for a wide range of tasksincluding subsea well intervention, field and well decommissioning, subsea equipment installation and recovery, well testing and emergency well containment, with dedicated service areas to increase vessel safety and efficiency.

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The award of this contract to Helix Energy Solutions underscores the growing importance of advanced technologies and integrated solutions in the offshore exploration and production industry.

As operations move into deeper water and more challenging environments, the ability to perform well interventions efficiently and safely becomes critical to project success. This contract not only strengthens Helix’s position in the African market, but also highlights the potential for growth in the deep-well intervention services sector.

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