Creativity and good taste on the surface: this is the Graphic Designers at Inspenet

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Inspenet, April 27, 2023

On International Graphic Design Day, at Inspenet we introduce you to the excellent team of professionals who find innovative solutions, using design and visual communication as a vehicle to transcend borders.

Inspenet’s graphic designers have the knowledge and technical skills to devise and translate into images the messages that we want to convey to our users through designs, sketches, arts, graphics and images.

Creative Director Génesis Azuaje: “Graphic design is the best career in the world”

Leading the design team is the Creative Director, Génesis Azuaje, Graduated in Graphic Design, graduated from the Rafael Belloso Chacín University more than a decade ago, with extensive experience in various audiovisual sectors. Her strengths include her positive attitude, enthusiasm, attention to detail, and she is an example and inspiration to all.

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“Since I was little I always wanted to be a designer, I never had any doubts,” explains Azuaje, who has worked making logos for companies, editing videos, brochures, flyers, and specializes in digital marketing. “For me, it is challenging to work at Inspenet, every day I learn about engineering, but I give my magic touch to those topics that are sometimes difficult to explain”, adds Azuaje.

1718 disenadora grafica Inspenet Genesis Azuaje 1

“Inspiration is where you want to see it, if you sit down to look for the beauty around you, that’s where you’ll get inspiration. I consider graphic design to be the best career in the world. We have the power to give a good message to the world, in different ways, but always pleasing to the eye. We can animate, illustrate, paint, we are little artists who give our best, to give the most beautiful message possible and in the best way you can express it”, concludes Azuaje.

He is accompanied in his work by the designers Irlanda Gil and María Mercedes Peña, dedicated professionals who, with ethics, responsibility, imagination and creativity, provide a unique perspective and develop their artistic vein on this web platform.

Graphic designer Irlanda Gil: “I like graphic design for its freedom, it allows you to explore different techniques”

Irlanda Gil, is a Higher University Technician in Graphic Design, graduated from IUTIRLA in 2018, she has always been attracted to art, since she has drawn and painted since she was little.

1718 disenadora grafica Inspenet Irlanda Gil

“I like graphic design for its freedom, it allows you to explore different techniques, the persuasion with which you can lead the client, guide them towards the right thing in the area of design, what are the tools that can be implemented, it is very versatile, it allows flow”, explains Gil.

“Although we currently have tools that want to surpass design, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), human value will always be more important, no AI will surpass the brain, knowledge, creativity of the human, being a designer it is based on always following your intuition”, adds Gil.

Graphic Designer María Mercedes Peña Bermúdez: “Graphic design can be the most genuine form of expression”

“I decided to study graphic design because I liked the creation of images, banners and the ease of expressing information through visual communication,” explains María Mercedes Peña Bermúdez, Senior University Technician in Graphic Design, graduated from IUTIRLA in 2018.

“I like graphic design, how you can carry out an idea that can be quite blurry and cumbersome to something very beautiful that people like. Working at Inspenet has been a good experience, where I have learned and enriched my knowledge”, says Peña.

1718 disenadora grafica Inspenet Maria Mercedes Pena

And he adds: “Graphic design can be the most genuine form of expression. Always giving the best is the best option for the graphic designer. Deliver not only the client’s idea, but also a little more of them in their own designs.”

The Creative Department team will continue to use texts, fonts, colors, shapes and other tools to create excellent visual products that allow clear and powerful messages to be transmitted to the users of the platform.

Congratulations on International Graphic Design Day!

Source and Photo : Inspenet

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