Danish researchers create solar panels with recycled cells

Joshua Falcon, March 15, 2024. Researchers at the Technical University of Denmark have developed a solution for solar panels with recycled cells. This technology combines selenium and silicon, offering a solution to improve energy efficiency.
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paneles solares con células recicladas

Researchers at the Technical University of Denmark have developed a solution for solar panels with recycled cells. This technology combines selenium and silicon, offering a solution to improve energy efficiency. By blending the old with the new, this approach could transform the solar industry.

Optimizing solar efficiency with old technology

The challenge of maximizing the efficiency of solar cells has been a priority in the transition to renewable energy sources. Although current solar cells convert only a fraction of solar energy, this new “tandem technology” seeks to change that picture.

Cost continues to be a determining factor in the widespread adoption of solar technologies. Some recent approaches have offered greater efficiencies, but at a prohibitive cost. This new method seeks to find the right balance between efficiency and affordability, thanks to the study and research of the Danish participants in this sustainable project.

A fusion of solar panels with recycled cells

The key to this innovation lies in the combination of old and new. By incorporating selenium, a cheaper but less efficient material, with silicon that offers high efficiency, researchers have created a “solar sandwich” that promises the best of both worlds.

Currently, the efficiency of these tandem solar cells is modest, researchers are optimistic about their potential. Further adjustments in materials are expected to enable significant increases in efficiency, which could improve the solar industry in the coming years.

If you want to know more about the study, you can read it here.

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Source: Interesting Engineering

Photo: Shutterstock

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