For the first time, Stanford scientists have developed a technique to create and keep stable a rare variant of gold known as Au2+ .
The stabilization of this elusive form of the valuable element has been achieved through the use of a halide perovskite, a category of crystalline materials that has great potential for various applications such as solar cells, light sources and more efficient electronic components.
The most surprising thing is that Au2+ perovskite can be prepared quickly and easily using common ingredients available on the market, all at room temperature.
” It was a real surprise that we were able to synthesize a stable material containing Au2+; at first I didn’t even believe it ,” Hemamala Karunadasa, associate professor of chemistry at the Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences and lead author of the study published in Nature Chemistry.
” Halide perovskites possess really attractive properties for many everyday applications, so we’ve been looking to expand this family of materials, ” said Kurt Lindquist, lead author of the study who conducted the research as a doctoral student at Stanford and now does research at Princeton. .
The behavior of gold
Gold in its elemental form as a metal has been highly appreciated for an extended period due to several significant factors. One of these factors lies in its relative scarcity, making it a precious resource. Furthermore, gold is known for its exceptional malleability and chemical inertness, which means that it can be easily molded into jewelry and coins without experiencing adverse reactions with the chemical elements in the environment, and without losing its luster over time.
Stanford scientists discovered that with the right molecular configuration, Au2+ can remain stable. This discovery came unexpectedly while they were working on a larger project focused on magnetic semiconductors intended for use in electronic devices.
Realizing that they might have made an important discovery in chemistry, a series of extensive tests were carried out on perovskite . These included analysis using spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction to delve deeper into its light absorption capacity and to characterize its crystalline structure.
Additionally, research teams at Stanford University, led by Professor Young Lee in applied physics and photonic science, as well as Professor Edward Solomon in chemistry, contributed significantly to the study of Au2+ behavior.
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