Congress of Mexico approves historic reform to the mining law

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Inspenet, May 2, 2023

The Mexican Congress approved important modifications to the mining law, which represents significant progress in curbing the irrational exploitation of mineral resources, according to Senator Napoleón Gómez Urrutia from Morena, leader of the mining union.

In his statements to the press, the senator expressed his satisfaction with the approval of this and other minutes that are part of the government project of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Despite the changes introduced by the deputies at the initiative of the Executive, the reform eliminates many of the changes introduced during the six-year term from 1988 to 1994 of former President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, which allowed the abuse and debauchery of large national and foreign corporations. .

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Gómez Urrutia highlighted that one of the most important modifications is the elimination of the preferential nature of mining activity, which prevents companies that obtain concessions from invading or requesting the expropriation of land dedicated to agricultural activities or of any other nature.

1747 ley minera Mexico interna
Congress of Mexico approves historic reform to the mining law

Mexico’s new mining law protects the environment

The senator also highlighted the obligation for companies to recirculate up to 60% of the water consumed, as well as the prohibition of granting concessions in areas where there is a shortage of water. In addition, the new law obliges companies that close an exploitation project to establish a remediation plan for the land in the area, the environment and water.

Gómez Urrutia stressed the unanimous support of his colleagues from Morena for the unanimous approval of the draft, and stated that he will insist on a comprehensive mining reform, which includes tax treatment for companies, an initiative that could be resumed in September, after carrying out an open parliament.

The senator warned the big companies that have done so much damage to the environment in Mexico with the high contamination of rivers, groundwater and agricultural land, not to rule out that the labor sector seeks to go after a comprehensive reform.

It only remains for the Executive power to publish the modifications in the Official Gazette of the Federation for Mexico to change the current mining legislation, in force for more than 30 years.

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Cover photo : Envato

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