Meet the CL-1: the humanoid robot that would operate in dangerous environments

Isbel Lázaro.
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LimX Dynami c s Inc. recently unveiled the latest abilities of its CL-1 humanoid robot . In the demonstration, the robot carried out tasks such as ascending stairs and descending slopes, demonstrating its ability to move in both indoor and outdoor environments.

The China-based company explained that the CL-1 managed to perform these actions by “closing the loop” between real-time perception, gait planning, locomotion control and hardware, as well as traffic flows. data. During testing, the humanoid robot used perceptual control to proactively adjust its movement, allowing it to perform actions such as taking gentle steps toward a sidewalk, dynamically and fluidly climbing stairs, and descending a 15-degree slope.

It is important to highlight that the company’s team evaluated the performance of the CL-1 in various environmental conditions, conducting tests both indoors and outdoors and during different times of the day.

A humanoid robot for dangerous environments

Likewise, LimX Dynamics expressed its expectation that its humanoid robots will ultimately be used in business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) applications. The company signaled its intention to focus on dangerous situations , provide high-quality customer services, engage in automobile manufacturing, and provide home delivery services.

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The company also detailed that it uses advanced motion control technologies, artificial intelligence, patented actuators and hardware to achieve dynamic stair-climbing capability based on real-time perception, highlighting that its environmental perception technology plays a crucial role in the development of its humanoid robots.

Established hardware and software advances provide the foundation for the CL-1 to become a “general mobile manipulation platform,” according to LimX Dynamics. The company aims for its humanoid robot, focused on human needs, to be able to move to any place accessible to people and carry out various tasks.

With the goal of creating general-purpose robots, LimX emphasizes that it does not adapt different algorithms for specific functions or scenario variations, but rather bases all its robots on a core set of algorithms. LimX’s main focus is to develop motion control algorithms and employ generative artificial intelligence to achieve generalization of humanoid robots. In this context, CL-1 is presented as a platform to address the technological challenges of humanoids.

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