Chile seeks to accelerate the development of the hydrogen industry and decarbonization in Latin America

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, August 11, 2022. The second Interministerial Council of the Chilean Green Hydrogen Industry Development Committee, an initiative that seeks to strengthen the production of this compound, both to address climate change through decarbonization, and to promote a more sustainable growth model for Chile, was held at the premises of the Chilean Economic Development Agency (Corfo).
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By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, August 11, 2022

The second Interministerial Council of the Chilean Green Hydrogen Industry Development Committee, an initiative that seeks to strengthen the production of this compound, both to address climate change through decarbonization, and to promote a more sustainable growth model for Chile, was held at the premises of the Chilean Economic Development Agency (Corfo).

The meeting was attended by the heads of the ministries of Energy, Economy, Finance, Science, Public Works, National Assets, Environment and Social Development, and the vice-president of Corfo, together with representatives of the ministries of Foreign Affairs, Agriculture and Transport.

The meeting discussed the guidelines of the ‘National Green Hydrogen Strategy’ and the schedule for the allocation of fiscal land for these projects.

The Minister of Energy, Claudio Huepe, highlighted the importance of green hydrogen for the country’s development and the commitment of his portfolio to this issue. “In the Ministry of Energy we have a team that has been working on the issue for years and is fully available to support the activities of the Technical Roundtable. Together with the Interministerial Committee we will promote Green Hydrogen in a transversal way, with emphasis on harmonic, fair and balanced local development to generate new economic activities in the country”, he said.

Since 2020, Chile has had a ‘National Green Hydrogen Strategy’, which has long-term national and global implications.

This material from Energí was edited for clarity, style and length.

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, August 11, 2022Source: