India increases coal production to reduce imports by 2024

India increased its coal consumption to a record high in the first quarter of 2024, driven by a prolonged heat wave.

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Producción de carbón

In an effort to increase coal production and decrease dependence on imports, G. Kishan Reddy, India’s Minister of Coal and Mines, recently announced the government’s plans. Despite not providing specific figures on expected production volumes, the statement underlines the country’s commitment to self-sufficiency in the coal sector.

Earlier this year, Rajat Handa, vice president of international trade for Agarwal Coalition’s Agarwal Coal told Reuters that India’s coal imports in 2024 will not exceed 160 million tons. This projection reflects a significant change, since many coal consumers coal consumers that used to rely on imports are now opting for domestic supply.

Coal production in India grows by 11.65%.

According to data from the Ministry of Coal, total coal production in India during the fiscal year 2023-2024, which ended in March 2024, increased by 11.65%, reaching 997.25 million tons. In the first months of fiscal year 2024/2025, production continued to rise, registering an 8.82% increase in April and May compared to the same period of the previous year.

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During a heat wave and a decline in hydroelectric hydroelectric generation India experienced record coal consumption in the first quarter of the year, which also pushed emissions from the power sector to record highs.

This increase in the use of Coal is due, in part, to the commissioning of new coal-fired units to meet the growing demand for electricity. Coal-fired power generation increased in April due to a marked decrease in hydroelectric production, which has threatened to cause blackouts as summer approaches.

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Source: oilprice

Photo: Shutterstock

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