Bukotermal starts exploration of Kutnjak geothermal project in Croatia

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, August 3, 2022. Geothermal developer Bukotermal has started exploration work on the Kutnjak-1 geothermal well, in which Varazdin County and Mali Bukovec municipality are jointly investing HRK 19 million (EUR 2.5 million).
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By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, August 3, 2022

Geothermal developer Bukotermal has started exploration work on the Kutnjak-1 geothermal well, in which Varazdin County and Mali Bukovec municipality are jointly investing HRK 19 million (EUR 2.5 million).

Oil extraction works measuring static pressure and temperature in the Kutnjak-1 well are carried out by experts of the Zagreb-based Crosco company, and the client is the Bukotermal company, owned by Varazdin County and Mali Bukovec municipality, founded with the aim of exploiting the potential of geothermal energy in the east of the county.

Currently, the company is in the exploration work phase, which includes investigations of geothermal potential and examination and testing of existing wells, such as the aforementioned Kutnjak-1.

“We expect that in the first phase a smaller power plant will be built and additional heat will be used for greenhouses in the municipalities of Mali and Veliki Bukovec. We hope that these measures will pass within the expected range, so that we will get the yield with which we plan to use surplus heat for energy purposes,” said the chairman of the Varazdin County Assembly, Josip Krizanic, adding that the county will recapitalize Bukotermal with HRK 12.5 million.

The mayor of the municipality of Mali Bukovec, Darko Markovic, explained that the Kutnjak-1 and Lunjkovec-1 wells will be reviewed in the fall, as well as a detailed examination of both wells during the review.

“Before the review, we had to test the temperature and pressure along the entire well, and based on that data, we will complete the main projects that are nearing completion and apply for a mining permit from the Ministry of Economy so that we can do the detailed review and testing. The plan is to utilize the geothermal potential of Varazdin and Koprivnica-Krizeva counties in several phases,” Markovic said.

This material from the PiensaGeotermia portal has been edited for clarity, style and length.

Sources and photo: https://www.piensageotermia.com/comienza-la-exploracion-del-proyecto-geotermico-bukotermal-kutnjak-en-croacia/https://www.klikaj.hr/bukotermal-krenuo-u-istrazne-radove-vrijedne-19-milijuna-kuna-na-busotini-kutnjak-1/