Brazil resumes uranium exploration after 40 years of inactivity in the nuclear sector

The launch of the Uranium Prospecting and Mining Partnership Program is vital for the Brazilian energy sector.
La reactivación de la exploración de uranio en Brasil

Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil(INB) has announced the resumption of uranium exploration in the country after 40 years of inactivity in this field. With the objectives of seeking partnerships with companies in the mining sector for the identification and development of new uranium deposits.

Reactivation of uranium exploration after 40 years

This initiative comes at an essential moment for Brazil, whose uranium production is uranium production is insufficient to meet is insufficient to meet the domestic demand of its Angra I and II nuclear power plants, and with the completion of Angra III, demand for this mineral is expected to increase.

Forty years ago, Brazil had the eighth largest uranium reserves in the world. Today, it could begin to climb positions and become the second largest global depository of this mineral, surpassing Kazakhstan. This opens up multiple opportunities for the country, guaranteeing its energy self-sufficiency and strengthening its position as an exporter of concentrated uranium and potential supplier of nuclear fuel in the international market.

The price of uranium has more than tripled in recent years, increasing the attractiveness of this resource. With new exploration, the Brazilian state could add value to its local production chain, boosting economic growth and strengthening its role in the global nuclear energy market.

On the other hand, the Partnership Program for Uranium Prospecting and Mining highlights the importance of public-private collaboration in the identification and development of new deposits. This joint effort could consolidate Brazil as one of the main players in the world nuclear industry, taking advantage of its vast mineral potential to contribute to the global energy future.

“This new round of research comes at an important time for the country, as domestic production is still lower than the domestic consumption of the Angra I and II nuclear power plants, and taking into account the increase in demand with the completion of Angra III.”

Adauto Seixas, president of INB.

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Source and photo: INB