Brazil: Abreu e Lima refinery will be the most modern in America

Isbel Lázaro.
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refinería Abreu e Lima

Brazil has announced the expansion of the Abreu e Lima refinery, owned by the state oil company Petrobras , which will increase national diesel production by about 13 million liters per day and will become the most modern plant of its type in America.

The new works, intended to generate around 30,000 jobs, will include the construction of a second unit in the refinery , the expansion of the first and the creation of a plant to reduce emissions derived from the refining process .

Regarding the projected investment for these improvements in the refinery, which is expected to reach 6,000 to 8,000 million reais (equivalent to approximately 1,224 to 1,632 million dollars), it is estimated that it will be recovered in the first year of operation, according to stated the president of Petrobras, Jean Paul Prates.

The start of work on the second unit (Train 2) is scheduled for the second half of this year , with a projected completion for 2028, at which time the refinery will have the capacity to process 260,000 barrels of oil per day . The Abreu e Lima Refinery, which began operating in 2014 with the first set of units (Train 1) with a capacity to process 115,000 barrels of oil per day, will increase its capacity to 130,000 barrels per day with this expansion .

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About the Abreu e Lima refinery

Although the construction of the Abreu e Lima refinery It was carried out 34 years after the last refinery erected by Petrobras in 1980, it is still considered the company’s most modern, standing out for having the highest conversion rate from crude oil to diesel (70%), the most used fuel in Brazil for cargo transportation.

It is important to highlight that the plant was the subject of controversy due to delays in its construction and high costs, exceeding $18 billion, a figure significantly higher than the initially projected $2.5 billion.

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