NASA Boeing crew members to talk about mission from space

Wilmore and Williams have been living and working on the ISS since June 6, collecting critical data for long-duration flights.
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Tripulantes del Boeing de la NASA hablarán sobre la misión desde el espacio

NASA has announced that the media will be able to listen to astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams talk about the Starliner mission from the International Space Station (ISS). This event will take place on Wednesday, July 10 at 11 a.m. EDT and will be streamed on several platforms, including NASA+, NASA Television, the NASA app app, YouTube and the agency’s website.

Journalists interested in participating must confirm their attendance before 5 p.m. on Tuesday, July 9. They can do so by contacting the press room at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, either by phone or by sending an e-mail. To ask questions during the conference, journalists must log on to the event at least 10 minutes before the start of the conference.

Boeing Crewmembers to speak about the Starliner mission

Astronauts Wilmore and Williams have been aboard the International Space Station since June 6, 2010. since June 6 when the Starliner mission successfully docked. Since then, they have been contributing to various research and maintenance activities, as well as helping teams on the ground collect crucial data for future long-duration Starliner flights to the ISS.

Importantly, NASA has facilitated access to this event for the public and media through multiple platforms. Interested parties can tune in to NASA TV through its mobile app, social networks and official website, thus ensuring broad coverage and accessibility.

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Source and photo: NASA

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