Argentina: Court ruled in favor of mining exploitation

Inspenet, October 31, 2023. Through a resolution issued by the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) of Río Negro, the company Ivael Mining SA has been allowed to carry out excavations, exploration and mining exploitation in community territories.

Inspenet, October 31, 2023.

Through a resolution issued by the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) of Río Negro, the company Ivael Mining SA has been allowed to carry out excavations, exploration and mining exploitation in community territories. Environmental advocates stated that this resolution appears to be in line with the interests of the extractive industry.

The ruling of the Multifueros Court of El Bolsón, which had stopped exploratory mining operations in the mountainous region of El Bolsón, has been annulled by the STJ.

At a previous moment, the Multifueros Court had decreed a temporary prohibition on carrying out any type of exploration, prospecting, research or exploitation on community lands. This restriction would be in effect until the provincial government completed the consultation process with the “Ancalao” native community.

According to the official statement, the STJ justified its decision by arguing that ” the first instance ruling was issued without having a survey to determine whether the lands occupied by the native peoples coincide with the areas covered by the permits.

In this sense, he indicated that ” the sentence was contradictory in accepting that the environmental studies and other administrative acts carried out by the provincial Ministry of Environment were valid, but it ordered their suspension .”

Outrage of the Argentine community

The spokesperson for the Coordinator of the Mapuche Parliament of Río Negro, Orlando Carriqueo, expressed his opposition to the verdict and stated that it was issued “tailored to extractive interests.”

I believe that in 40 years of democracy these things should not happen. The institutional quality of an organization on which all the most neglected and dominated sectors of society depend, such as Justice, is lost.”, he questioned.

If we cannot trust that Justice respects the laws that are in force, what can we expect from companies, or from governments, what is left for us to do is just close the gates and have more problems,” said Carriqueo.

Finally, the native leader warned that ” the communities have already stated that they are not going to allow mining companies to enter community territories .”

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Source and photo: r %20Tribunal% 20de %20Justicia,zona% 20andina %20de% 20El %20Bols% C3%B3n