Alleyne is nominated for ASNT Director General in 2023

Inspenet, March 30, 2023 Dr. David Alleyne, CEO of Guided Ultrasonics Limited (GUL), has been nominated as the ASNT (American Society for Non-Destructive Testing) CEO candidate for 2023.
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Inspenet, March 30, 2023

Dr. David Alleyne, CEO of Guided Ultrasonics Limited (GUL) company, has been nominated as the ASNT (American Society for Nondestructive Testing) CEO candidate for 2023.

On March 15, 2023, all voting members of the Society received an email from Intelliscan, which includes a unique ballot control number, a link, and instructions on how to submit your ballot for the CEO candidates.

The voting period will remain open from March 15, 2023 until 23:59:59 ET on April 15, 2023.

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1596 Dr David Alleyne CEO GUL
Dr. David Alleyne, Managing Director of Guided Ultrasonics Limited (GUL)

Biography of Dr. David Alleyne

Dr. David Alleyne is the Managing Director of Guided Ultrasonics Limited (GUL), a spin-off of the Imperial College Mechanical Engineering department. He co-founded the company in 1999 with products based on his founding research. Since 1999, it has driven the adoption of Guided Wave (GW) testing technology around the world, to the point that it is now an important and growing part of the NDT and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) market. GUL exports most of its products and services. Under Alleyne’s direction, GUL has been instrumental in creating the GW methodology and industry codes and standards, as well as all levels of associated professional engineering certifications, which have been crucial to the growth of the market.

Dr Alleyne received his PhD from Imperial College London in 1991. His research consisted in understanding how guided waves (Lamb waves) could be used in plates for Non-Destructive Testing. After founding GUL with a colleague (Dr. Brian Pavlakovic), the two continued to develop innovative guided wave technologies using torsion modes. For the next 23 years, Alleyne led and directed the development and commercialization of transformative technologies for the global Non-Destructive Testing industry. From 1999 to 2015, he was Director of Operations with responsibility for developing training plans and materials for the Non-Destructive Testing industry around a practice-based syllabus for Levels I, II and III. Since 2015, Alleyne has led the company as CEO, designing strategies and business plans with the primary goal of diversifying the company’s technology base to include Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) and inventing new application-driven tools for measurement. Quantitative (QSR). New developments have also incorporated AI through machine learning tools to facilitate the training of inspectors and the assimilation of technical knowledge.

Dr. Alleyne is a recognized world leader in the industrial application of GW technology and has gained invaluable experience through his extensive collaboration with universities and industrial partners. This has given rise to an outward-facing approach that values talent with an emphasis on innovation through teamwork, respect, and customer service.

Dr Alleyne is also on the advisory board of a leading UK charity (IntoUniversity) which works to help and support young people through learning centers where they are inspired to achieve. He has also served on ASNT committees and has participated in many national and international code bodies including ASTM, NACE, BSI and ISO.

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