New wind farm construction approved in Sweden

The Storåsen wind farm will cover 50% of the energy needs of the green hydrogen plant at the Ljungaverk hydrogen plant.
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The independent renewable energy company RES announced that the municipality of Ånge approved on June 10 the construction of an new wind farm in Sweden. This is the Storåsen wind farmThe project consists of 24 turbines that will generate 500 GWh of energy, which will cover 50% of the energy supply of the Ljungaverk hydrogen plant.

Full support for new wind farm in Sweden

Rasmus Adelswärd, project developer at RES, expressed his satisfaction with the decision, noting that the company has been a key player in the green development of the municipality, starting with the wind farms Björnberget and Gubbaberget and now expanding into wind power, battery storage and green hydrogen projects.

The city council’s approval indicates that the use of the land for wind energy is deemed appropriate. Now, official permission is awaited from the county administrative board to begin construction. Matilda Afzelius, executive director of RES in the Nordic countries, emphasized the importance of this decision to ensure the necessary electricity production and hopes that other municipalities will follow Ånge’s example.

The project area has favorable wind conditions and does not include areas of national interest or nature reserves, following the guidelines of the municipality’s master plan. The power generated at Storåsen will be supplied to the Tovåsen grid station, which will be key to the hydrogen plants that RES is developing at Ånge.

In addition to increasing the production of green electricity Storåsen will generate local employment, with one job for every four turbines. RES will also implement its sponsorship and village fund concept, RES Powerbank, in the Storåsen community.

The municipality’s vision is to become a green energy center, attracting new industrial establishments and generating new jobs. RES estimates that the total investment level in Ånge will be SEK 20 to 30 billion.

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Source: res-group

Photo: shutterstock