
Buque adquiere el primer sistema CCS a bordo certificado por ClassNK

Ship acquires first ClassNK-certified onboard CCS system

Isbel Lazaro, March 22, 2024.
ClassNK, the prestigious classification society, has awarded its recognized “SCCS-Full” notation to “EVER TOP”, a Neopanamax container vessel belonging to the EVERGREEN fleet. This distinction makes “EVER TOP” the first vessel in its class worldwide to be equipped with a CCS system on board.

Rusia y China desean construir una central nuclear en la Luna

Russia and China Plan Lunar Nuclear Power Plant Construction

Isbel Lazaro, March 22, 2024.
Russia’s space agency, Roscosmos, together with the collaboration of China, is considering the possibility of erecting a nuclear power plant on the Moon between 2033 and 2035. This ambitious project is a step towards lunar colonization, with the goal of establishing permanent human settlements on the satellite.