Yolanda Reyes

Engineer in Electrochemistry and Corrosion, with more than 30 years of experience and extensive and versatile knowledge in Corrosion Sciences and Chemical Technology at an Academic and Industrial level..
Publications of Yolanda Reyes
Estrategias de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional en la minería
health & safety management

Occupational Health and Safety Strategies in Mining

Author: Ph.D. Yolanda Reyes, February 16, 2024.
Occupational Health and Safety actions in mining go beyond simply controlling and preventing the risks inherent to this activity. This is a comprehensive strategy that seeks not only to safeguard workers’ health, but also to instill a safety culture rooted in active awareness of the importance of safety protocols.

Corrosión en tuberías
corrosion and materials

Technologies for monitoring internal corrosion in industrial pipes

Inspenet, November 15, 2023.
Pipeline corrosion is some of the major challenges in the oil and gas process industries, causing unplanned shutdowns and limiting operational performance. It is important that operators monitor the risk of corrosion and erosion and its impact on the condition of assets. Currently, companies offer a wide variety of state-of-the-art equipment for measuring corrosion and erosion.