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Jesús Contreras

Metallurgical engineer, with two diplomas in Business Management, and who has developed his career for more than 20 years in the area of Non Destructive Testing, today, he is the owner of his company Tecno NDT LLC in Madrid, Spain..
Publications of Jesús Contreras
Tank Inspection Techniques (part 2)
non destructive testing

Tank Inspection Techniques (part 2)

Inspection of storage tanks according to American Petroleum Institute (API) standards are important to prevent not only catastrophic failures, but also to avoid problems related to the mechanical integrity of the assets affected mainly by corrosion in floors, walls and ceilings.

non destructive testing

Tank inspection techniques (part 1)

The field of storage tank inspections comprises in-service and out-of-service inspections of vertical and horizontal above-ground and subway tanks. A combination of techniques including engineering calculations according to API 653 and API 650 and other relevant specifications are used to perform a comprehensive inspection of the overall condition of the tank.