Redactor Euclides Quiñonez

Euclides Quiñonez

Mechanical Engineer with specialization in industrial maintenance. 43 years of experience in the oil, petrochemical, gas, metalworking and food industries. Content developer, expert analyst in equipment and corrosion inspection and plant shutdown technical management. Qualified and certified in non-destructive testing techniques UT, PT, VT, MT, RT..
Publications of Euclides Quiñonez
inspenet - 1.1
new energies

2030… The year of total global decarbonization. Is it possible?

Inspenet, July 6, 2023.
Amid growing concern about climate change and its consequences, global decarbonization has become one of the main goals for many countries. Carbon neutrality, which involves balancing greenhouse gas emissions with reductions and removals of the same amount of emissions, is seen as crucial to addressing global warming.