The future of Fracking: Environmental risks and economic potential

Inspenet, October 8, 2023. Fracking, also known as hydraulic fracturing, has been a topic of debate and controversy around the world for the past few decades. This oil and gas extraction technique has revolutionized the energy industry, but has also raised significant concerns about its long-term environmental and economic impact.

AUTHOR: Eng. Carlos Álvarez, October 8, 2023.


Fracking , also known as hydraulic fracturing, has been a topic of debate and controversy around the world for the past few decades. This oil and gas extraction technique has revolutionized the energy industry, but has also raised significant concerns about its long-term environmental and economic impact. In this article, we will explore the future of fracking , its environmental risks, and its economic potential.

What is fracking?

Fracking is a technique used to extract natural gas and oil from underground rock formations, such as shale and shale. It involves injecting a mixture of water, sand and chemicals under high pressure into the subsurface to release hydrocarbons trapped in the rock. As fractures expand, gas or oil can flow to the surface and be collected.

Environmental risks of fracking

Despite its importance in energy production, this hydraulic fractionation technique poses several environmental risks that must be considered:

1. Water contamination: One of the main risks of this extraction technique is the possible contamination of groundwater. The injection of chemicals into the subsurface can leach into drinking water sources, raising concerns about the safety of water for human consumption and wildlife.

2. Release of greenhouse gases: Fracking can release methane, a potent greenhouse gas, during the extraction and transportation of natural gas. This contributes to climate change and its adverse effects.

3. Induced earthquakes: The injection of high-pressure water into the subsurface can trigger induced earthquakes, posing a risk to public safety and the integrity of structures.

4. Landscape destruction: The construction and operation of sites for the application of this extraction technique can have a negative impact on the landscape and local biodiversity. Associated infrastructure, such as roads and wells, can irreversibly alter natural ecosystems.

Economic potential of fracking

Despite the environmental risks, this hydraulic fracturing technique has had a significant impact on the global and national economy. Some of the economic highlights include:

1. Resource abundance: Fracking has allowed many countries to access vast reserves of natural gas and oil that were previously inaccessible. This has increased energy security and reduced dependence on energy imports.

2. Job creation: The industry of this hydraulic fractionation technique creates jobs in various areas, from the construction and operation of wells to logistics and engineering. This contributes to economic growth and stability in local communities.

3. Reduction in energy prices: The production of natural gas through this extraction technique has led to a decrease in energy prices, benefiting consumers and companies.

4. Impact on the trade balance: The export of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from countries that use the fracking technique has contributed to improving the trade balance and generating export income.

The ongoing debate

The future of fracking remains the subject of passionate debate around the world. Some argue that its economic benefits are fundamental to the growth and stability of nations, while others emphasize the environmental risks it presents. Appropriate regulation and investment in cleaner technologies can help mitigate some of these risks, but balancing economic and environmental aspects remains a major challenge.


In conclusion, the future of fracking is uncertain and largely depends on how its environmental risks are addressed and its economic benefits are managed. The transition to more sustainable energy sources is a crucial issue in the global debate on the future of energy, and fracking will continue to be a topic of discussion for years to come. Informed, evidence-based decision-making will be essential in determining the role fracking will play in the global energy mix in the 21st century.

Bibliographic references

BBC. What is fracking and why does it generate so many protests?; Consulted on October 4, 2023;

COLOMBIAN OIL AND GAS ASSOCIATION. Do you really know what Fracking is? Consulted on October 5, 2023;

ENDESA. What is fraking? Know its advantages and disadvantages; Consulted on October 5, 2023;