The focus on processes as a key factor for the success of management systems


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Author: Dr. Juan Lugo Marín, December 19, 2022.

Undoubtedly, the current global environment, characterized by highly competitive markets and fierce competition, demands that any organization that wants to be successful, or at least survive, must have the ability to achieve “good business results”.

To achieve these “good results”, organizations need to manage their activities and resources in order to guide them towards achieving them, which in turn has led to the need to adopt tools and methodologies that allow them to configure management systems, regardless of their nature, be it quality, environment, safety and health, among others. Definitely one of the methodologies of greatest interest and current impact in organizations at a global level is the process approach.

It is important to highlight that the conception of organizations based on interconnected processes displaces the traditional Cartesian vision of them, based on the principles of authority and control of Frederick Taylor, in which a perspective by functions prevailed according to a structure vertical, which made organizations rigid with limited adaptability. However, the dynamism of today’s world demands more agile organizations capable of adapting to the changing nature of today’s global markets; for which, the focus on processes is a key success factor for organizations, helping them to remain and be competitive in the market sector in which they participate. In this sense, the adoption of a quality management system according to ISO 9001: 2015 is an excellent alternative for organizations in adopting a process approach, since it helps them to establish the methodologies, responsibilities, the resources, the activities, among others, that allow a management oriented towards obtaining those “good results” that are desired, or what is the same, obtaining the established objectives; all of which points to continuous improvement and competitive positioning in the market.

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About the Author

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Juan Lugo Marin

Industrial Engineer (UNEFM, 1992) with a Master’s Degree in Quality and Productivity Management (UNEFM, 1997) and a Doctorate in Administrative Sciences (UNESR, 2006). He has Postdoctoral training in Business and Futures Studies (Corvinus University of Budapest, 2007). He has developed a long career as a university professor and researcher. He is a business consultant in the area of quality, management systems and strategic prospective with more than 25 years of experience in sectors such as: oil and gas, engineering and construction, inspection and mechanical integrity, laboratories, among others, for Latin America and North America.

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