The transition towards more sustainable and renewable energy sources represents an urgent priority on the global landscape, driven by the growing awareness of climate change and the prevailing need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. In this context, the importance of renewable energies in energy security is evident.
Industrial progress is not only the key to boosting the economy, but also plays a vital role in reducing environmental impact. However, as long as the industrial and transportation sectors continue to consume hydrocarbons, it will be impossible to achieve global decarbonization. In this sense, efficient processes and technologies based on clean energy sources must be promoted to guarantee a sustainable energy supply and reduce dependence on fossil fuels 1.
These forms of energy, coming from natural sources such as the sun, wind, water, and biomass, offer a significant and promising alternative to guarantee a more stable, clean, and sustainable energy supply in the long term. The main purpose of the content is to discuss the effect of renewable energies on energy security.
What are renewable energies?
Renewable energies are those energy sources obtained from natural resources that are constantly replenished, such as sunlight, wind, biomass and the Earth’s heat. Its particularity lies in its sustainable nature and its potential to generate energy in a clean and continuous manner. These energy sources are essential to reduce the environmental footprint and promote the transition towards a cleaner and more efficient energy system.
Energy security: What does it mean?
Energy security is a concept that covers various aspects related to the availability, access, and stability of energy supply. It involves guaranteeing a continuous and reliable supply of energy to meet the needs of society, as well as the stability of energy prices. In addition, energy security seeks to reduce external dependence on limited energy resources and promote resilience in the face of crises and geopolitical conflicts that may affect the energy supply of a country or region.
Effect of renewable energies on energy security
Renewable energies play a significant role in the pursuit of energy security due to their sustainable nature and their ability to diversify the energy matrix. By harnessing renewable energy sources, countries can reduce their dependence on imported fossil fuels and mitigate the risks associated with oil and gas price volatility. Furthermore, renewable energies offer the opportunity to strengthen energy resilience by decentralizing energy production and increasing energy autonomy2.

Importance of renewable energies in energy security
Currently, the importance of renewable energies in energy security is indisputable and decisive. The adoption and use of these natural sources represents a fundamental step towards guaranteeing a reliable and sustainable energy supply for countries. These sources not only contribute to reducing fuel dependency, but also offer a series of environmental, technical, and economic benefits that strengthen the security of the energy system. The contributions of each one to energy security are detailed below.
Decreased dependence on fossil fuels
The adoption and use of renewable energies represent a considerable step towards guaranteeing a reliable and sustainable energy supply for countries. They contribute to reducing dependence on fossil fuels.
Environmental perspective: Environmentally friendly
Renewable energies such as solar and wind power play a significant role in reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, thereby improving air quality and contributing to the fight against climate change. Furthermore, its use implies lower water consumption per unit of electricity produced, which is especially relevant in regions prone to water scarcity.
Technical sector
In the technical field, distributed generation from renewable energies offers additional advantages to the electrical system. For example, it helps reduce electrical losses in transmission and distribution lines, which improves system efficiency and decreases costs associated with the operation and maintenance of electrical infrastructure. Likewise, the diversification of the energy matrix with these energy sources increases the resilience of the electrical system in the face of natural disasters, by decentralizing energy production and avoiding the concentration of critical assets in vulnerable areas.
Economic sector
Renewable energy also has positive economic implications. Reducing dependence on imported fossil fuels decreases the volatility of energy prices and can translate into significant savings for governments in terms of fossil fuel subsidies. Furthermore, the generation of employment and the strengthening of supply chains at the industrial level are indirect effects that benefit society as a whole.
Diversification of energy sources
Currently, energy sources are finite and limited, therefore, it is important to diversify energy sources to ensure energy security. Below are the most significant points considered for the discussion on the importance of diversification of energy sources.
Energy sustainability
In a constantly evolving world, the demand for energy continues to increase. However, traditional energy sources are finite and pose environmental and safety challenges. That is why diversification of energy sources emerges as a crucial solution in this changing energy landscape.
Reducing risks and increasing energy security
Relying exclusively on a single energy source can expose a country to significant risks. From supply disruptions to price increases, energy dependency can be a vulnerability. Energy diversification reduces these risks by spreading dependence across multiple sources, thus ensuring greater energy security.
Environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation
Renewable energy offers a sustainable alternative by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change. Diversifying towards these clean sources is essential for an environmentally sustainable future. Solar, wind, hydroelectric, and other renewable energies are key pieces in this sustainability puzzle.
Economic benefits and growth of the energy sector
Diversifying energy sources not only promotes environmental sustainability but also boosts the economy. The growth of the renewable energy sector has created new employment opportunities and generated an increase in investment. In addition, it reduces the volatility of energy prices, which benefits both consumers and companies.
The importance of a balanced diversification strategy
To ensure a sustainable and prosperous energy future, it is crucial to adopt a balanced diversification strategy. This involves not only focusing on a single energy source but considering a combination of options that adapt to the specific needs and resources of each country. From renewable energy to carbon capture and storage technologies, each country can find its own path to energy diversification.
The integration of renewable energies into the global energy landscape is significant to ensure strong and sustainable energy security. Its use not only contributes to the mitigation of climate change and the reduction of dependence on fossil fuels but also strengthens the resilience and efficiency of the energy system, generating economic and environmental benefits for society. By investing in clean and renewable energy sources, countries can reduce their vulnerability to energy shocks and promote a more secure, resilient, and environmentally sustainable energy future.
The diversification of energy sources is necessary to guarantee energy security, protect the environment, and promote economic growth. It is the path to a brighter, more sustainable future for all.
It’s time to diversify and build a more equitable and prosperous energy world!
- Faster Capital; “Guarantee energy security after the 1979 crisis” Updated: Dec 22, 2023 :–mejora-de-la-seguro-energetica-mediante-tarifas-de- food.html. Consulted on February 6, 2024.
- Umbarila V Paola, Moreno A Freddy L; “Importance of renewable energies and their relationship with economic growth” Journal of Agrarian and Environmental Research – Volume 6 Number 2 – July-December 2015 – ISSN 2145-6097.