The management of interested parties within the framework of the quality management system ISO 9001: 2015

ISO 9001:2015 defines 'stakeholder' as a person or organization affected or influenced by a decision or activity.
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ISO 9000: 2015 defines a stakeholder as: “a person or organization that can affect, be affected by, or perceive themselves to be affected by a decision or activity”. Thus, we have clients, owners, people from an organization, suppliers, banks, legislators, unions, partners, society in general, among others, it is possible to consider as stakeholders of our business.

Specification of ISO 9001 standard in quality management

On the other hand, ISO 9001: 2015 clearly specifies that due to its effect or potential effect on the organization’s ability to regularly provide products and services that meet customer needs, as well as the applicable legal and regulatory requirements, the organization must determine the interested parties that are relevant to the Quality Management System and also the relevant requirements of these interested parties, in the same way the organization must carry out the respective follow-up and review. This requirement is completely new in the latest version of ISO 9001: 2015, so it is natural that many ask the question: Why is stakeholder management important in the framework of an ISO 9001: 2015 quality management system?

To answer this aspect, it must first be pointed out that the requirements of the products and services provided by the organization are not always determined by the needs and expectations of its direct customers and regulatory entities or by the organization in isolation. Other interested parties may influence or affect, positively or negatively, the organization’s ability to consistently supply conforming Products and services. The information generated here is a source for determining the scope of the Quality Management System; as well as for the management of risks and opportunities. Knowing the interested parties that determine relevant requirements and that can have an impact on the organization’s capacity, increases the probability of success of the organization to be able to satisfy its customers.

Regarding the methodology used to identify the interested parties and determine the relevant requirements and their subsequent monitoring, the standard does not establish any standard mechanism to do so, but rather it is a choice of each organization. The important thing is that when the methodology is established to manage the interested parties, it ensures, at a minimum, compliance with the provisions of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard.


This aspect that we have analyzed is closely related to what is the understanding of the organization and its context, because it is difficult to understand the context of the Organization without understanding the needs and expectations of the interested parties, and how they can affect the organization. All this being a fundamental aspect for the successful implementation of a quality management system.


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