Leguizamón Tecnología Minera is the first sustainable and ecological mining company in the world


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By : Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, July 22, 2022

Leguizamón Tecnología Minera, is an Argentine company that seeks to reactivate small deposits of gold, silver and copper, and offer investments for local savers. The secret is a new machine to extract minerals dry.

“We are the new mega mining.” This is how Armando Leguizamón introduces himself, founder of a company with national capital that promises to be the first sustainable and ecological mining company in the world.

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The firm is called Leguizamón Tecnología Minera and is part of a group of companies. LTM seeks to reactivate old abandoned deposits that did not obtain financing or the possibility of exploitation and to apply a new mining technology with an extraction machine hidden under seven keys.

To achieve this, it seeks that small or large savers are interested in sustainable mining and invest through an app or a website in shares of their company or directly in the minerals that will be extracted. The silver and gold stored in the bank of the national company itself will be the backing and refuge of value for the investor. The rest of the metals will be sold in the domestic market and will end up in the industrial sector or will be exported.

“We want to attract those who want to invest in something real, tangible, that has something physical as backing that is not devalued, which is the mineral, a good that is a real refuge,” said Leguizamón. The president of LTM announced that in the coming weeks the online platform for investors will be ready and that he will soon close more agreements for gold, silver and copper deposits in Salta, gold in La Rioja and nickel, cobalt, gold and silver in Paraguay . “Beyond the fact that mining is a safe investment, we have to diversify the risk and have several deposits in extraction, also in Bolivia and Chile,” he added.

Source : https://www.petrolnews.net/noticia.php?r=42938

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