Organizational Leadership: Discover the secrets to transform your team

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Liderazgo organizacional: Descubre los secretos para transformar tu equipo

Table of Contents

This article exposes the importance of organizational leadership and its influence on the decisions of an organization or company, so that it can achieve all its objectives; through: a joint vision, an analysis of information and continuous learning to expand knowledge.

An organizational leader generates plans, has the ability to execute and align actions, study the situation, make projections and any related action; to improve the organization and the business work climate. It is for this same reason that organizational leadership has several benefits, both for the company and for its employees.

In this context, the types of organizational leadership (or ways of leading) that currently exist: Transactional, transformational, natural leadership or the one that is oriented towards people who, although they themselves seek to meet the objectives of the company/organization, each one does so from a different perspective. The importance and benefits of having a good leader in an organization or company.

Organizational leadership, its advantages, types and the best way to develop it.
Organizational leadership, its advantages, types and the best way to develop it.

Types of organizational leadership

  1. The transactional: maintains a more rigid structure than a leadership, so it supervises, delivers tasks and rewards or punishes according to results. It is a good leadership option in times of crisis.
  2. The transformational: he is usually very human, so he seeks to motivate his collaborators and encourage them to continue learning or training. He is considered the “true” leadership for this very reason.
  3. Natural leadership: the one that is oriented to people who, although they seek to meet the objectives of the company/organization, each one does so from a different perspective.
  4. Finally, we have people-oriented leadership, which tends to be more participatory, empowers the team(s), and encourages collaboration.

There are different ways to lead; however, it is important to have clear goals in companies or organizations to know which one will lead you to success.

Importance of organizational leadership.

Leadership in organizational development is very important for the development of any organization. It is an essential element to work efficiently and achieve the proposed objectives.

Organizations depend, to grow and endure, on the leadership of their leaders. A good leader must meet four conditions; commitment to the mission, communication of the vision, self-confidence and personal integrity.

The leader must not only meet these conditions, he must also meet certain virtues that will guide him in making good decisions. These virtues are prudence, temperance, justice and fortitude. The role of the leader is complex, he must be able to have very good communication and a capacity for integration, it is to make the members of the organization release their energy to achieve a common goal. Communication plays a leading role in transmitting strategies and integration allows efficient actions to be carried out jointly and without disconnections.

Basically, leadership consists of a way of being, a leader is formed day by day: in the passion for the mission, in the action and in the fundamental values. In addition, a leader must not only delegate responsibilities, but must extend power to others, be humble and consider himself replaceable.

So we can define leadership as a process of interaction between people in which one of them leads, through their personal influence and power, the energies, potentials and activities of a group, to achieve a common goal, in order to transform both the company and the people who collaborate in it.1

An organization may have adequate planning, control, etc. and not survive the lack of a proper leader, even such an organization may lack planning and control, but having a good leader, it can get ahead. 2

Benefits of Organizational Leadership

Most Common Organizational Leadership Benefits

  1. Having a person coordinating the team, who assumes responsibilities, motivates and guides the collaborators. This increases the chances of meeting goals.
  2. Contributes to meeting the needs of each collaborator.
  3. It facilitates the implementation of new changes, according to new technologies.
  4. Conflict resolution, the leader has the ability, vision and gift of listening to offer solutions.
  5. Promotes the development of professionals; either by detecting talent, or by motivating employees to have constant training.
  6. It is a competitive advantage for the company.

In summary, organizational leadership is important because it is an essential element for the survival of any type of organization. But, in addition, it is relevant because it guides, directs and motivates with the firm purpose of keeping the team in order, executing actions and achieving the established objectives 3 .


All of the above reflects the success of an organization, because organizational leadership is established on the pillars of planning, integration, motivation and recognition; so that a company or organization runs smoothly. It is important to achieve the goals, with professionals who cover the needs in the same way.

Bibliographic references

  1. Chavez, Martinez Gustavo. “Manage Today”, Gasca-Sicco Group. Mexico 2006, number 143, pp. 20.
  2. Koontz, Harold, Weihrich Heinz. “Management: A global perspective”, 12th. Ed. McGraw-Hill, Mexico, 2004, p. 532

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