Corrosion training: Key to damage control in industries

Analysis on the relevance of corrosion training to improve the protection of industrial assets.
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Corrosion training: Key to damage control in industries

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Corrosion training represents a fundamental pillar of modern engineering because corrosion critically affects the life and performance of metallic infrastructures. From bridges and pipelines to industrial plants, corrosion is present in almost every industry that uses metallic materials. As industries face more aggressive environments and more stringent operational demands, corrosion education is a key tool for engineers and technicians charged with protecting these assets.

In the previously mentioned context, it is important to have technologists with the necessary skills to ensure the integrity and basic care of industrial process equipment made of metallic materials on which they work, based on the premise that poor maintenance or poor operation of these could trigger different types and mechanisms of corrosion.

This article seeks to raise awareness of the need for solid corrosion training2 by showing how technical knowledge and adequate competencies in corrosion prevention and control are fundamental to maintaining the integrity of metallic infrastructures in industries. Through specialized education and rigorous training, engineers and technicians can acquire the necessary skills to implement effective maintenance strategies, reducing risks and optimizing the durability of metallic assets in challenging industrial environments.

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The importance of corrosion training for the engineering industry

Corrosion is an electrochemical process that degrades metals and compromises the functionality of structures. Although it seems an inevitable phenomenon, its prevention and control are possible through the application of advanced strategies based on the understanding of its mechanisms. To this end, corrosion education plays a fundamental role, providing professionals with the necessary tools and knowledge to mitigate its effects.

The development of specialized corrosion engineering skills enables professionals to identify early signs of deterioration, select more resistant materials, and design effective protection systems. Among the most commonly used strategies are cathodic protection, anti-corrosion coatings, and the use of specialized alloys that offer greater resistance in harsh environments, such as offshore or chemical transportation.

Main problems associated with corrosion

Loss of functionality: Corrosion reduces the structural integrity of metallic components, which can lead to critical failures. A common example is corrosion in carbon steel pipelines carrying hazardous substances, where localized corrosion failure can lead to leaks with serious consequences.

Increased costs: The progressive deterioration of metallic materials due to corrosion significantly increases maintenance and repair costs. In sectors such as public infrastructure, the lack of a prevention strategy can result in the need to replace components ahead of schedule, increasing expenditure.

Environmental damage: Corrosion products, such as metal oxides and other by-products, can contaminate the environment. This is particularly relevant in the case of ships or industrial pipelines, where exposure to saline water and other corrosive agents can release contaminants into the ocean or freshwater systems.

Effective Corrosion Management: A Technical and Economic Challenge

One of the biggest challenges in corrosion prevention is its economic impact. Corrosion is estimated to cost trillions of dollars a year globally, affecting both businesses and public infrastructure. A clear example is corrosion in oil and gas pipelines, where deterioration of pipelines can lead to significant failures, such as leaks, service interruptions, or even explosions. In this context, corrosion training not only saves costs in the long term but also ensures operational safety.

The economic impact of corrosion and its prevention

One of the biggest challenges in the field of corrosion engineering is its economic impact, a problem that affects almost every industry that relies on metallic infrastructures. In 2014, NACE International, now known as AMPP (Association for Materials and Performance Protection), launched a study entitled “International Measures of Prevention, Implementation and Economics of Corrosion Technologies” (IMPACT)“.

The objective of this analysis was to investigate how effective corrosion management could establish best practices within industries, optimizing public safety, environmental protection and, most importantly, minimizing associated costs. The study revealed in 2016 that the global cost of corrosion was estimated at a staggering $2,505 billion, which represented 3.4% of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2013. This value is used as a benchmark in many countries that have not yet developed specific studies on the impact of corrosion on their economies.

From a cost perspective in corrosion engineering, these numbers reflect the urgent need to implement prevention and control systems that not only extend the useful life of assets but also allow companies and governments to save resources in the long run. Lack of proper maintenance, inadequate material selection, or lack of a proactive approach to corrosion protection can result in expenditures that far exceed initial investments in prevention technologies.

Today, companies that adopt comprehensive corrosion management for control and prevention, based on advanced technologies and best practices, are able to reduce these costs significantly. This includes the implementation of strategies such as cathodic protection, specialized coatings, and corrosion training for engineers and technicians. These actions enable better process planning and control, reducing unplanned equipment downtime and avoiding the catastrophic consequences of structural failures or dangerous leaks.

An engineer trained in corrosion control will be able to implement inspection and monitoring programs that detect early signs of corrosion, minimizing the risk of structural failure. In addition, the use of techniques such as Non-Destructive Inspection (NDT), along with real-time data analysis, helps operators make informed decisions on when to intervene in a structure before a critical failure occurs.

Training and Research & Development (R&D) in corrosion education

Specialized training for corrosion management

To face this challenge, continuous training in corrosion management is essential. Educational platforms, workshops, and seminars, such as those offered by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), enable professionals to acquire the necessary skills to assess and mitigate the associated risks.

These courses focus on the theoretical understanding of corrosion mechanisms, and on the practical application of technological solutions, such as the implementation of real-time corrosion monitoring systems and the use of advanced protective coatings, such as those provided by the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP).

Below is a video courtesy of AMPP, which provides an overview of corrosion training courses.

YouTube video
Series of training courses on AMPP corrosion.

Training in methods such as Non-Destructive Inspection (NDT) for early detection of internal corrosion, and the use of technologies such as cathodic protection systems and corrosion inhibitors, provide a robust framework for effective corrosion management in critical infrastructure.

Ongoing training key to corrosion control

Corrosion education should not be limited to the basics; it should be an ongoing process. As new technologies and protection techniques emerge, it is essential for corrosion engineering professionals to stay current. There are multiple international organizations and associations that offer specialized corrosion training courses, seminars, and certifications, which organize training programs for all levels of corrosion engineering experience.

These courses address the fundamentals of corrosion prevention and delve into specialized areas such as corrosion protection under insulation (CUI), corrosion management in marine environments, and evaluation of advanced coating systems. In this way, professionals are better equipped to meet the specific challenges of their industry.

Research and Development in the study of the mechanisms

Investment in Research and Development (R&D) is critical to improve corrosion practices and training, understanding the types of corrosion as well as the mechanisms that produce them is important in adopting the most appropriate control method for effective corrosion management. This approach includes the development of advanced materials with high corrosion resistance, synthesis of new inhibitors, and smart coatings that can extend equipment life.

Corrosion training in electrochemical tests in the laboratory.
Corrosion training in electrochemical tests in the laboratory.

In addition, research is being conducted on advanced inspection and monitoring techniques, such as the use of non-destructive technologies based on ultrasound, guided wave analysis, or eddy current to detect corrosion in early stages, which allows for timely intervention and cost reduction.

The evaluation of innovative materials, such as conductive polymers or sustainable alloys, is essential to determine their suitability in specific industrial environments, where factors such as temperature, pressure, and exposure to aggressive media must be considered. Advanced predictive models, supported by artificial intelligence, can improve corrosion prediction, enabling more efficient maintenance planning.

Collaboration between industry, universities, and research centers is key to generating sustainable and effective solutions. This joint work allows the integration of know-how and the creation of updated regulations that support more efficient corrosion management in various industrial applications.

Innovation in corrosion training and education

Corrosion science and engineering demand a modernization of teaching methods. Current challenges require overcoming traditional methodologies based on memorization to encourage critical and creative thinking. This approach promotes the development of skills and training in corrosion of new analytical and perceptual techniques essential to face the accelerated pace of technological advances and innovation in corrosion prevention practices.

The role of trainers should not be limited to the transmission of technical knowledge; it is necessary to train autonomous, reflective professionals, capable of working in teams and making informed decisions. Leadership skills, digital information management, and empathy in communication are equally important for new corrosion leaders to be able to transform knowledge management into high-value-added solutions.

In addition, it is critical to increase training opportunities in corrosion management, broadening access and improving the quality of content for a wider audience. Educating professionals about the economic, safety, health, and environmental impacts of corrosion is essential to ensure effective and sustainable management.

Collaboration and sustainability in corrosion management

A comprehensive corrosion management strategy not only reduces operating costs, but also extends the life of industrial assets, improves safety and minimizes environmental impact. By promoting collaboration between industry professionals and corrosion experts, innovative solutions can be generated to optimize production and maintenance processes.

This sustainable approach ensures the long-term viability of industrial infrastructure, promoting more efficient use of resources and fostering a more resilient and environmentally friendly future. Industries that adopt these practices will be better positioned to meet the challenges of the global marketplace.

Innovation and new technologies in corrosion prevention

Corrosion training must also be aligned with the latest technological advances. The development of new technologies such as smart sensors and predictive analytics has transformed the way corrosion is managed. For example, online monitoring systems allow corrosion to be detected in real time, providing immediate alerts and enabling rapid intervention before major damage occurs.

In addition, corrosion training on innovations in protective coatings and the use of more effective corrosion inhibitors have allowed industries to significantly extend the useful life of their assets. The correct application of these technologies requires specialized training, where professionals can learn best practices in the selection and application of coatings according to the type of environment and operational requirements.


Corrosion research, education, and training are fundamental tools to ensure the integrity of metallic structures in various industries. By combining research and education on the principles and mechanisms that cause corrosion, professionals can ensure greater operational efficiency, reduce maintenance costs and, most importantly, prevent accidents and environmental damage.

The economic impact of corrosion is undeniable and its proper management not only benefits companies from a financial point of view, but also contributes to improving safety. It is important to promote a culture of corrosion training and continuing education, in this field is not only an investment in knowledge, but also in long-term sustainability and safety.

Education and training in corrosion engineering is critical to ensure the integrity, safety, and efficiency of metallic infrastructures in various industries. Through a technical and preventive approach, engineers specialized in this field develop effective strategies to mitigate corrosive effects, which helps to extend the useful life of assets, reduce operating costs, and protect the environment.

The application of advanced technologies and continuous training are key to meet the challenges associated with corrosion in complex industrial environments, ensuring long-term success in corrosion management.


  1. Revie, R., Uhlig, H; Corrosion and Corrosion Control. John Wiley & Sons Inc, New
    Jersey (2008).
  2. Shallcross, D; Safety shares in the chemical engineering classroom. Education for
    Chemical Engineers, 9, (2014) e94 – e105
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