They create the largest floating wind energy platform in the world

Preliminary tests showed that the platform withstands extreme conditions.
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Crean la plataforma de energía eólica flotante más grande del mundo

Mingyang Smart Energy Group, a leading wind turbine manufacturer, has introduced OceanX, an impressive floating wind energy platform, to the market. This novel structure is designed to radically change the renewable energy landscape thanks to its capacity to hold two turbine rotors, each with a capacity of 8.3 MW, achieving a combined total of 16.6 MW, making it the largest platform of its type worldwide.

About the design of the OceanX floating wind energy platform

This platform is distinguished by its V-shaped tower, a configuration that facilitates the installation of the two rotors and maximizes energy generation efficiency. This feature is crucial, especially under severe weather conditions such as typhoons, where the structure demonstrates superior strength and efficiency.

It is important to note that the company has also innovated in the development of wind turbines designed to withstand typhoons, the most powerful of which reaches 18 MW. Although its full implementation is planned for the coming years, this progress underlines the company’s commitment to innovation and continuous improvement in the field of renewable energy .

Offshore installation and testing

The OceanX platform is already in the final preparation stage at Guangzhou’s Huangchuan Pier. From there, it will be transported out to sea and anchored off the coast of Qingzhou, Guangdong province. The installation process is expected to last about two months , after which the operational testing phase will begin.

In previous tests, a 1:10 scale prototype of the platform successfully faced wind speeds of up to 72 m/s and waves almost 30 meters high in 2020 . These preliminary results are indicative of the robust potential and durability of OceanX, even under the most challenging conditions.

Without a doubt, the adoption of double rotor designs in platforms such as OceanX not only optimizes the capture of wind energy, but also proposes a new direction in the design of infrastructure for renewable energy. This approach seeks to increase energy production capacity, improve energy efficiency and reduce the environmental footprint of energy generation.

As global demand for clean energy grows, innovative solutions like OceanX are critical to ensuring a sustainable and resilient energy future.

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