Within the framework of the XIX SLOM 2023 Conference, Gregorio Rojas from Inspenet.com had the honor of speaking with Patrick Alvim, manager of Transpetro . Patrick highlighted the importance of this event for Brazil, given its close relationship with the activities they carry out. Referring to the Angra dos Reis Terminal , responsible for almost 90% of the Ship-To-Ship oil operations in Brazil, and safety is a fundamental pillar in its operation.
Alvim stressed that one of the company’s core values is respect for life, people and the environment. This philosophy is reflected in its operations, where safety and the prevention of environmental incidents are paramount. From planning prior to a ship’s arrival to supervision during operations, everything is done with a focus on operational safety and environmental preservation.
The manager also mentioned the recently inaugurated “Eastern Canal” access, which seeks to speed up the transit of vessels and reduce waiting times. This innovation is a reflection of the terminal’s commitment to efficiency and continuous improvement.
Asked about changes in ship-to-ship operations over the years, Patrick noted that while the operation itself is standard, what has changed is the maturity and experience of the professionals involved. This experience has led to a greater perception of risk, resulting in safer and more agile operations.
Angra dos Reis Terminal, Projection.
Finally, when talking about the future of the Angra dos Reis Terminal , Alvim envisions a terminal increasingly focused on safety, efficiency and, above all, on its fundamental values of respect for life, people and the environment.

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