tapa latincorr intercorr 2023 player

In the course of the conference LatinCORR & InterCorr 2023conference, the Inspenet team team had the pleasure of talking with Evandro R. Martin, project supervisor and Rebecca Leite, marketing specialist, representing Jotun protects property, deepening their positioning in the Brazilian market and their innovation plans for 2024.

Jotun’s Presence and Performance in Brazil

They are firmly established in Brazil, with a remarkable performance in sectors such as offshore, maritime maintenance, and industrial.“We have a large participation in the maritime market and operate in industrial maintenance in general,” Evandro highlights.

LatinCORR & InterCorr 2023

Participation in the conference is essential.“These events are an opportunity to stand out in the corrosion market, present our technologies and innovations,” Rebecca comments.

Star Products and Technical Services

“One of our most outstanding technologies is Baltoflake, focused on corrosion protection and thermal insulation for offshore platforms, offering a guarantee of more than 30 years,” Evandro explains.

Expectations for 2024

Looking to the future, they are focused on continuing to grow and deliver innovative solutions.“Our goal is to continue to deliver the best in corrosion protection and protect properties,” says Rebecca.

Their website: https://www.jotun.com/us-en

Evandro Martin and Rebecca Leite, representing Jotun Protects Property

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